Daily Stormer
April 18, 2014

The primitive, confused tribal Chief of America, Barggobongo, a prehistoric ape who was made President of America as part of a sick joke by the Jews, has come out and condemned critics of his insane and failed healthcare money-scam, saying that even though it has been designed to abuse the people, it is working because his weird commercials – often featuring gay-sex imagery – have enticed degenerates and the chronically confused to voluntarily become involved in the ponzi scheme.
From Reuters:
He announced that 8 million people had now signed up for health insurance and that 35 percent of enrollees through the federal marketplace are under the age of 35. For the healthcare law to succeed, young, healthy people must sign up and pay premiums to offset the healthcare costs for older Americans.
He said under the 2010 healthcare law, the share of Americans with insurance has grown, the growth of healthcare costs has slowed, hundreds of millions of Americans who already have insurance now enjoy new benefits and protections and no one with a pre-existing health condition can be denied coverage.
He said he is willing to consider changes to the law to improve it, amid complaints that premiums are too high and that some people will not be able to keep their doctors despite Obama’s previous promise. But he said to make changes would require an attitude adjustment from his Republican critics.
“I recognize that their party is going through, you know, the stages of grief, right? Anger and denial and all that stuff. And we’re not at acceptance yet,” Obama said.
Funny stuff, Barry. Only it isn’t funny that you actually created a scam where you would force unemployed young people to pay for the decadence and depravity of the boomer generation, nor it is funny that you are black and the President of America at the same time.