Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 19, 2015
I told you this was going to spread. And now that other school leaders have already resigned, Princeton is obligated to do the same.
These people are literally going to destroy the entire American university system inside of a year.
I didn’t even realize there were this many Blacks in universities now. We need to repeal affirmative action, because they surely don’t belong there.
Black Lives Matter activists at Princeton University have taken over the president’s office and say they won’t leave until the school acknowledges former U.S. president Woodrow Wilson as a racist and renames all buildings currently honoring him on campus.
Members of a group calling themselves the Black Justice League walked out of their classes late Wednesday morning and assembled at Nassau Hall, where they were met by Princeton president Christopher Eisgruber. The students presented a list of demands inspired by similar lists that have been seen at Yale University, the University of Missouri, and elsewhere.
Yes, Eisgruber is Jew.
These lists are getting so insane.
Who ever even thinks about Woodrow Wilson?

I think about him sometimes, but that’s because I’m a Nazi and he was the rat who signed the banks over to the Christ-killers. Maybe that’s why this Jew Eisgruber is going to bat for his legacy.
“WE DEMAND the university administration publicly acknowledge the racist legacy of Woodrow Wilson and how he impacted campus policy and culture,” the students’ demands say. “We also demand that steps be made to rename Wilson residential college, the Woodrow Wilson School of Public Policy and International Affairs, and any other building named after him. Furthermore, we would like the mural of Wilson to be removed from Wilcox Dining Hall.”
The students called on Eisgruber to sign their list of demands, and said until he does so they will occupy Nassau Hall, for days if needed.
“We want to make this as awkward as possible for him,” one activist said, according to The Tab, which has a writer liveblogging the protest.
Here’s the video (split in two for whichever reason) of the Blacks harassing the Jew.
The Jew says “racism is an evil,” lol.
That second one is particularly incredible.
Like a bunch of monkeys on a giant rat. I can’t believe affirmative action let’s people this stupid into Princeton. That alone is enough to destroy the quality of the education at a school, as they’re physically incapable of competing and so drag everything down to their level.
In addition to their Wilson-related demands, the occupying students also demand that “cultural competency training” be required of all faculty members, and that the school require all students to take classes on the history of “marginalized peoples.” The protesters note that mandatory cultural competency training was voted down last spring because of fears the requirement would trample free speech, but activists say that explanation doesn’t fly and the school needs a “conversation” about the correct meaning of free speech.
“We demand a public conversation,” the demand says, “on the true role of freedom of speech and freedom of intellectual thought in a way that does not reinforce anti-Blackness and xenophobia.”
Unlike some other college presidents around the U.S., Eisgruber has been willing to publicly reject some of the protesters demands out of hand. The school simply isn’t going to eliminate its tributes to Wilson, he said, barely an hour into the protest.
“I agree with you, Woodrow Wilson was a racist,” he said. “In some people, you have good in great measure and evil in great measure.”
Eisgruber did agree, though, with adding courses on marginalized people to distribution requirements, but he said he lacked the power to implement such a requirement.
According to The Tab, as Eisgruber spoke, there were outcries from the crowd.
“This campus owes us everything,” said one student. “We owe white people nothing. All of this is mine. My people built this place.”
What does it mean? How can these people not be called out as retarded, making statements like that? How is it possible to have these monkeys at an Ivy League university?

Claiming that Blacks built Princeton University, and so own it – this is too much. I just can’t take it anymore.
And they owe us nothing? Really? If Blacks had never come into contact with Whites, this is how they would be living:

I don’t know if they were better off then or not. Probably, they were, in some higher spiritual sense, as they were fulfilling their natural genetic program. But that is not the point they are trying to make here, is it?
They are claiming to own Princeton, and to have built it.
It has already been proven that prehistoric beavers were better builders than the Blacks.
These crazies have vowed to remain in the President’s office until the demands are signed, meaning they obviously will be signed, or the Jew will resign and be replaced with a Black. This isn’t big news yet, but it is starting similarly to the Mizzou deal, and is probably going to end up with a tent city and so on.
Again: Where Does This End?
Once again we are faced with the shocking realization that there is no finality to any of this. It cannot possibly end, unless we decide to be racists. Otherwise, they will demand literally everything be torn down.
Wilson – not a guy I defend generally, by the way, he was a horrible bastard – merely supported segregation, a position that basically everyone in the entire country (including Blacks) had 100 years ago. The Founding Fathers, however, owned slaves.
This idea the old establishment can continue on with the idea that all racism is “evil,” but that our country is not itself evil, is nonsensical. We end up in a situation like Germany is in with the Jew hoaxocaust, where the entire foundations of our existence as a nation are evil.

The whole “well, yes, some people were racist but there were also good things” argument disappeared when they decided the Confederate flag was evil. That can now be applied to everything – just like this method of Blacks chimping out and making insane lists of demand that don’t even make any sense can be applied everywhere.
This is all part of an agenda by Jews. They have set the whole thing up. First with Trayvon, the rest of the unarmed teen hoaxes, then moved it into this realm.
It can only get worse.