Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 26, 2015

Anna Lee is an Asian advocate in America, and she recently gave a presentation wherein she mourned the decline of Asian college admissions due to a propping-up of the lower races.
Even with her high IQ, this slant-eyed ching-chong is incapable of grasping the obvious reality that Asians now have White privilege, and need to get used to being punished for being biologically superior to the lower races.
Lee’s next slide shows three columns of numbers from a Princeton University study that tried to measure how race and ethnicity affect admissions by using SAT scores as a benchmark. It uses the term “bonus” to describe how many extra SAT points an applicant’s race is worth. She points to the first column.
African Americans received a “bonus” of 230 points, Lee says.
She points to the second column.
“Hispanics received a bonus of 185 points.”
The last column draws gasps.
Asian Americans, Lee says, are penalized by 50 points — in other words, they had to do that much better to win admission.
“Do Asians need higher test scores? Is it harder for Asians to get into college? The answer is yes,” Lee says.
“Zenme keyi,” one mother hisses in Chinese. How can this be possible?
“How can this be possible?” well, madam, you tell me. Because we’ve been asking this question for a very long while.
So, Princeton University is admitting an IQ differential amongst the different colorfuls. Apparently, we Whites are being used as the average, and Blacks are further below us than Mexicans while Asians are a slight bit above us.
Just like on this global IQ index map:

If I didn’t know better – and believe you me, I don’t – I’d almost believe that human beings have variant biology from one another, due to the hundreds of thousands of years of evolution in different geographical areas. But I know that isn’t true, because I know that race is only a social construct so obviously it is impossible that it is true.
But if it were true, it sure would make a lot of sense, huh? And make all of this much easier to process? Oh, but don’t even let the thought enter your mind, given that it will cause pure evil to manifest in your soul.

You see, the real deal fact of the matter is that Asians, Latinos and Blacks don’t behave completely differently and have completely different academic capacities for the same reason that they look completely different from one another – again, the very suggestion of that is pure evil and anyone who suggests it should be arrested. The real reasons for the behavior and performance differences are different levels of being oppressed by Whitey.
Sure, Blacks, Latinos and Asians all look different than Whites. They all have a history of having been colonized by Whites. So you’d think “hey, these people have all been oppressed about the same, and why can you also look at the level of development between Africa, Latin America and Asia and see the same pattern you see on SAT scores?” but the problem with that thought is that it is evil, and of course wrong. You see, there is this thing called “microaggressions” which causes non-Whites to have hurt feelings, which in turn causes them to fail not only in White countries but also in their own countries, through some type of metaphysical process to do with ethereal waves and cosmic vibrations which we are yet to fully understand.

Scientists are also still trying to figure out why Blacks receive the most “microaggressions,” while Latinos receive slightly less and Asians, well, they might be receiving whatever the opposite of “microaggressions” are. Scientists can’t yet understand the distribution of “microaggressions” by evil Whites, because they don’t yet understand what “microaggressions” actually are. Much of this has to do with the racist system which oppresses scientists trying to prevent racism and makes them not able to figure this out.
But one thing that you must always remember: just because science cannot yet explain why Whites are responsible for the failure of Blacks and Latinos does not mean that they are not responsible. Saying that because scientists can’t explain something means that it isn’t an objective fact is some type of a logical fallacy you can read about on Wikipedia.