Prison will be a Bonus for Black Monster Who Killed White College Student

Fay Observer
December 5, 2014

Kyle Harris was shot dead by Black lowlifes who should have no presence whatsoever in a White society.

If ever the facts of the case were a problem for the defense, it’s the case playing out in room 4A of Cumberland County Superior Court, involving accused killer Cedric Hobbs Jr.

The muscular Hobbs cleans up nicely. He wore dark square frames and sported a bald head, which he occasionally mopped with one large hand, as the lawyers held forth in opening statements Friday. His lawyers had Hobbs dressed in an evergreen sweater. He appeared almost preppy.

But it was all a facade.

Through his lawyer, Hobbs, who is 33, admitted, even before the jury was seated, that in the late afternoon of Nov. 6, 2010, he pointed a .380-caliber handgun at teenager and college student Kyle Harris and shot him to death. He admitted that he robbed the Cumberland Pawn Shop on Grove Street.

Hobbs and his girlfriend, Alexis Mattocks, who pleaded guilty in the crime and has been sentenced to life, went to Washington, D.C., where police stopped them for driving Harris’ stolen car. All of this played out while the couple’s young daughter, Storm, sat in a child’s seat in the back.

One can only fear for that girl’s future. Because there is not much for her to look back on favorably in her family’s past, if we believe defense lawyer Lisa Miles.

Miles stood at the lectern before jurors, and like a literature professor laid out a “story” (her word) that sounded like a MacBethian tragedy. She trashed generations of Hobbs’ family in rural Thomson, Georgia.

She said his parents were mentally ill and absent. His grandmother, Betty, was cold, mercurial and judgmental – despite herself bearing five children out of wedlock.

Hobbs was mainly reared by an aunt, who was drunk and “in the streets” when she took him in, and an uncle, both of whom always stayed a step ahead of eviction and who lived in a series of violent, crime-ridden neighborhoods in Forsyth County and later in Washington, D.C.

Prison will be an improvement for Cedric Theodis Hobbs Jr. and Alexis Mattocks.