Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 9, 2014

So there is this thing called Deehubs. Advertised as a “social network for billboards,” it allows users to submit messages through the internet which appear on a public wall or billboard and then are automatically posted on the internet.

Along with whatever Baudrillardian existential crisis the existence of this service may represent for the whole of Western civilization, it is also a bringer of serious lols.
Now, obviously they’ve got someone checking these, and they are probably going to be checking them a lot closer now that the “racist” posts have gotten some media attention, but you can still do it. Just be slick about it. Get the word to the street, then post pics in the comments section.
I figured they were watching these, and you had to be somewhat subtle. (Mine weren’t going through.)
Then commenter EZ sent me this:
