Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 20, 2015

Today someone sent me a link to a blog entitled “War on White Girls” which has been setup by allegedly pro-White feminists to attack me, this site and White males generally.
We expect this sort of thing to happen, of course, so the only reason I am pointing it out is to prove my own points about the nature of women and the idiotic concept of women being involved in a political movement.
The blog’s only post consists of a series of quotes from me and commenters on this site. There is absolutely no argument presented, no attempt to refute anything that I have said. Just a list of quotes which made the anonymous author of the blog feel bad. This, in itself, demonstrates just how correct I am in my perception.
I have repeatedly posed the question to women and White Knight males what exactly it is that women are able to contribute to this movement. I have asked for people to name a single benefit of having women play a public role in society, allowing them to vote or make decisions in political matters. So far, no one has attempted to answer these questions, and the woman who wrote this blog hilariously highlights her incapacity to respond to my questions by focusing on an attempt to stir up emotions.
Most offensive to feminists is a comment I made about how modern women should be lucky they aren’t locked in cages. This obvious hyperbole was presented in the context of a post about a video showing White women making-out with Blacks on a beach, and was intended to highlight the entirely useless nature of modern women.

And indeed: they are completely useless. They won’t do any of the tasks they are supposed to do, instead they invade our space and try to involve themselves in our matters, messing with everything and making it impossible for us to do what we are supposed to be doing. The only purpose for their existence, at this point, is sex, and they are usually too fat or otherwise out of shape for even that to be enjoyable.
Yes, women do have a purpose. That purpose is to serve men and produce children. When they abandon this purpose, they are nothing but a hindrance.
Attacking MGTOW
The blog, quite hilariously, attacks MGTOW. For those who don’t know, MGTOW means “men going their own way,” and is generally a framed as a rejection of the perceived social obligation for men to entertain deranged women with dates and money.

It is very telling that women will attack men for wanting nothing to do with them. This is similar to Blacks attacking Whites for telling them to go back to Africa. “All we want is to be left alone,” Whites say, and the Blacks reply “no, you cannot be left alone, you still have resources and psychic energy we wish to suck from you.”
Women wished to be in charge. They are now in charge. When men then say “okay, you’re in charge, I’m just going to go do my own thing rather than be controlled by you,” women then say “no, I demand that you stay here and be controlled.”

So they link the desire to not be involved with women as a form of abuse of women. What more do you need to know about female psychology than that right there?
No, There is No Such Thing as a “Pro-White Woman”
The political position of any woman on any issue should be “I believe what my father/husband/brother/boyfriend believes about that issue.” If she is told she is allowed to make her own decisions about what she believes, she will most often make the wrong decision. This is due to the fact that women make decisions based on emotion, and politics are the realm of logic and reason. The ones emotions can be manipulated very easily, which is why the Jews love this idea of “female empowerment” and are attempting to force it on the entire world.
In virtually every situation, women will be emotionally drawn to the established authority, as they have a natural psychological tendency to align themselves with power. The reason for this is that in nature, they lacked the ability to physically defend themselves and thus needed to be attached to a form of physical power for survival. Though our environment has changed, our basic psychology has not, and women still posses this drive to be attached to the most powerful body in order to feel protected.

In an ideal society run by logic and reason, women will hold the same views as the establishment, and thus they will be imitating logic and reason. What feminism did was allow emotional women to become the deciders, and this has led to a feedback loop. A black hole type of situation, where women side with the emotions of other women and continue to push society further into the abyss.
This abyss is from whence the idea of a collective women’s identity has emerged. It used to be that women drew their identity from the men in their lives, but with these men having been stripped of all power, that is no longer psychologically viable for women to do. So they identify with other women, spur one another on in their pathological sadism and desire to recreate the world as an environment of pure emotion, where logic and reason are discarded in favor of a belief in whatever feels good to them.
As you can see from this blog, women who claim to identify with a “pro-White” cause will tend to first identify as being a part of the female collective. If this were not the case, the women who saw these posts I make on this site would recognize that men have a right to be angry with the present state of “gender relations,” and recognize that by simply doing their natural duty as women, they are removing themselves from what is written here about the general state of females.
And yet, instead of siding with their own men who are attempting to form a world that will be better for all of us – better for them than for us, as is always the case, I assure you – they choose to instead attack us and demand that we change in order to meet their emotional needs, which they quite naturally view as much more important than any political agenda we may have.
The reason that women attempt to become involved in our political movement does not in any way relate to a genuine desire to embrace a logically sound political cause. It relates to a desire to invade a male space and play mommy, to lecture us on what we should and shouldn’t be doing and how we should or shouldn’t be doing it.
If there are exceptions, then those women can read this and understand what I am saying without feeling the need to inject their opinion about “women’s rights.”
If You Want a Girlfriend
If you, the dear reader, is interested in obtaining a girlfriend, please, do not even think once about looking for a girl who shares your political views. That is idiotic and ridiculous (though understandable, given that you have been trained to want that).

What you want is a girl with no political views whatsoever, who will probably be vaguely attached to the current mainstream, which is social justice. Find her because you are attracted to her physically and her personality pleases you.
Do not talk to her about your political views, ever, unless she asks you (and then probably don’t answer truthfully, unless you’ve been with her for some time and she has already bonded herself to you emotionally). There is nothing more beta and faggoty than looking for a woman who “understands you as a person.” It is not her job to give you approval, and if you are seeking it from her, you are weak. A woman could just as easily date a hardcore communist as a hardcore Fascist. Any woman could do that. Because she is not thinking logically about your belief system, she is thinking about how you – as a person – make her feel. What she will judge is your strength and power, nothing else.

“Treat her like a lady” should be the motto for dealing with women. This means always be in control of the situation, be cognizant of her emotional volatility, demonstrate strength and power along with a willingness to use these things to her benefit. Most importantly: do not ever demonstrate that she has the ability to influence you in any way. If you feel a need to talk to her, talk about sweet things which are of no actual consequence. Discussion of anything which is of actual consequence causes a woman to become uneasy, due to the natural confusion she feels. She will immediately resent you for it, as she will resent anything you do that causes her to feel something she does not like (note: what she likes and doesn’t like is extremely complicated and in no way intuitive – just for example, she likes more than anything the feeling of being made completely powerless – but that is a topic for another time).
This is Not a Game
I have been accused of pushing women out of the movement. And yes – guilty as charged. What is not being mentioned by those making that accusation is that anyone who actually believes in a political movement is not going to be pushed out of it because someone said something that made them feel bad. All I am doing is stating obvious facts, backing them up with logical and reason. And as I have said, there has yet to be any real refutation of anything I’ve said. Matt Parrott tried, but ended up just repeating a bunch of things that I had already responded to as if I had never addressed them.

We are not playing a game here. This is not a place for wishy-washy individuals attempting to augment their manufactured personal identity with edgy beliefs. We are in the middle of a war, the outcome of which will determine the fate of the Planet Earth.
If a woman is pro-White, she will do what functional White women have always done and support White men. If she is doing anything other than that, she is a broken machine which either needs fixed or discarded.