Pro-White Graffiti Resistance on Anglo/Irish Central Bank Shell

Daily Stormer
August 3, 2014

The entire shell was covered, despite all the CCTV there.

YouTube description:


(For release 14th January 2014)

“To learn who rules over you, find out who you are not allowed to criticise” – Voltaire

Defacement and Tyranny of the Irish People

It is the actions of the bankers, politicians, multicult industry, elements of the clergy and media, Irish and otherwise, that is the real defacement and brutality visited upon the Irish. The Anglo-bank truth-grafs (truth-grafs are public graphical statements of truth) depict the skeletal bones of a building, built on the corrupt and destructive policies of despots, who skewer through our past and future generations represented by the columns and towers piercing through each floor. It overflows with the blood of Éireann, a few of these tyrants names are written in our blood, their hands covered in the blood of the Irish people.

The horrendous consequences of their crimes, like the shell awaiting completion, are ominously yet to be fully realised. The Anglo-bank truth-grafs are a monument bearing witness against these terrorist’s greed, deceit, and dangerous utopian, collectivist policies, resulting in the bloodletting and devastation of the Irish people, our homeland, our culture and indigenous peoples the world over.

It made it onto several mainstream news sites.

The Anglo-bank bloodied bones serve as a symbol of the terror, desecration, suffering and tyranny of Ireland. It stands for the global oppression primarily by Zionists and Jewish financial terrorists and treachery by Irish traitors who preyed on their own people, subjecting them to financial and multicult terrorism, leaving Ireland open to exploitation, colonisation, and the plundering of our peoples lives and futures, their bodies, minds and souls.

It represents the murderous swindle of a small nation’s sovereignty, having won it after thousands of years of struggle highlighting the grotesque end-product of this Jewish supremacist world order, where a once proud, intelligent and fiercely determined, resistant and spiritual indigenous people were bullied, terrorised, tricked and betrayed by bankers and neo-Marxists – their right and leftwing capitalist and multicultist zealots, into a multicult, globalised, debt-slavery distopia, ultimately enslaved and living on their knees.

The only time Irish blood should be spilled, is in defence of our people, homeland, culture and our freedom.

“Blood is a cleansing and sanctifying thing, and the nation that regards it as the final horror has lost its manhood… there are many things more horrible than bloodshed, and slavery is one of them!”

Pádraig Pearse.