(Probably White) Woman Raped at Knifepoint by Demented Black Retard While on Way Home

March 29, 2015

Yes, it is the same criminal rapist as always, striking once again. Why have they not apprehended him yet, and sent them all back?

Police are hunting a sick sex attacker who raped a woman at knifepoint in south-east London.

Now they have released these images – an e-fit and a CCTV still – showing a man they believe has information about the attack.

The victim’s assailant struck as the 29-year-old was walking home in Ashwater Road, Lewisham, in the early hours of March 8. He threatened her with a knife before raping her, and then ran off towards Baring Road.

The man was black and about 5ft 10ins tall. He was wearing a blue hooded Adidas top with stripes down the arm, as well as a sky blue “bucket hat” and black woollen fingerless gloves.

Why even bother showing us what the individual looks like, get rid of all of them and there will never be anyone raped by one ever again in a White country.

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