Professional Poker Players Hate the Sneaking Jews

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 1, 2016


Jaclynn Moskow, sneaking Jew cheap poker player and professional whiner

Even before I saw this headline, if someone would have been like “quick – name three groups that hate the Jews!” I would have said “Palestinians, Daily Stormer readers and non-Jewish professional gamblers.”

But you know, every single group of people which is exposed to Jews or the effects of Jewish behavior hates the Jews.

Arutz Sheva:

Thirty-one-year-old Jaclynn Moskow, who is also a doctor of osteopathic medicine, recently talked to New York Daily News about her first appearance on the popular show Poker Night. At the end of the taping she expressed her enjoyment to fellow player Chris Hanson. Hanson responded that “The thing about Poker Night that makes it so great is that there are no Jews. Every other show on TV has Jews.”

Moskow hails from the Midwestern US and says that many people don’t initially realize that she is Jewish.

Maybe it’s the bleached hair and nosejob, huh?

Hanson’s attorney later released a statement denying that her client made the remark, though a recording has come out in which Hanson acknowledged saying that Poker Night is good because it doesn’t have Jews.

But of course a Jew had to show up and ruin poker.

Just like they ruined folk music, comic books, Baldur’s Gate, the self help industry and everything else I like.

Moskow also claims that Nolan Dalla, a popular poker writer, both sexually assaulted her and made offensive remarks about her religion. “I usually have strong opinions about Jews and Israel,” he allegedly told her after sticking his face in her chest, “but somehow the fact that YOU are Jewish makes you even hotter.”

Dalla recently wrote an extended post on the poker website TwoPlusTwo, in which he claimed that he couldn’t have sexually harassed Moskow because “there’s nothing I find the least bit attractive about her.” Another player who was present at the time, though, has suggested that Moskow’s description of the events is accurate.

Yeah, it probably didn’t happen.

Dalla looks like a straight shooter.


Moskow faces a strong backlash for criticizing leading figures in the field. She says that a private investigator has contacted her family and friends. Most opponents, though, limit themselves to insults. “I’ve been called a gold-digging Jew… an attention-starved psycho, a bad poker player… the list goes on and on, I can’t keep up with all the insults that have been throw at me,” she said.

The poor dear.

I sure hope no one visits her twitter and insults her further.

What with all the feelings she’s already feeling, that would be like another Shoah.
