Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 7, 2019
The libertarian anti-First Amendment activist and juicy little strumpet, Tiana Lowe, has been involved in an ongoing controversy regarding her calls to end free speech in America. However, an even hotter storm of controversy surrounds her tits, and whether or not they are real.
I have received communications from a professional tittiologist, who asked to remain anonymous, who has determined that Tiana Lowe’s tits are in fact fake.
The tittiologist pointed to the below photograph and noted: “Look at the upper slope of the breasts on the side view – how convex it is.”
“Sure, you can get that shape to a certain extent with a push-up bra… but there’s no change in the shape where the bra ends – it’s one smooth curve,” the tittiologist added.
The expert said that the confirmation of the fakeness of these tits is to be found in the below photograph.
“Note how round they are – like a dome shape,” the expert said. “The way that the breast bulges out to the side beyond the chest wall – only implants do that.”
Tiana Lowe Race Controversy
Beyond the anti-speech activism and tits controversies, there has also been a race controversy.
It turns out that I appear to have been right. According to her, she is a hapa. Or a half-hapa, to be precise. She claims that she is 3/4ths Serbian and 1/4th Chinese.
That mixture checks out.
There is some controversy as to whether or not she is actually 1/4th Chinese or 1/4th Filipina, and is lying about being Chinese for status reasons.
Though for our purposes, it doesn’t really matter. Though I will say my first thought when I saw her was that she was half Filipina and half white.
She claims not to be Jewish. She also claims that I accused her of being Jewish in 2017.
I didn’t remember who this juicy little strumpet was when I started reporting on her last week after she attacked the First Amendment. I most definitely did not do a “profile” on her. However, it does appear that I mentioned her in a 2017 article about the French mocking Texans who died in a hurricane. It isn’t clear from that article why exactly I was saying “she’s probably Jewish,” or why I was mentioning her at all, but I didn’t say “she is Jewish.”
It is probably true that she isn’t Jewish. However, we should also note that she claims one of her ancestors “fled communism” in Serbia.
Whenever I hear of anyone fleeing anywhere, my first thought is “looks like we’ve got another Jew on our hands here, lads.”
However, a Stormer researcher came to the conclusion that she is 0% Jew after having solved the mystery of her surname.
Okay I think I’ve solved the conundrum of the (((suspicious))) surname Lowe and how Tiana’s stated 1/4 Chinese, 3/4 Slav makeup seems to rule out Jewish ancestry.
After finding a boatload (racist pun intended) of Chinese-American and Chinese-Canadian doctors with the surname Lowe, I discovered it’s a common romanization of the Chinese surname Liu. On Twitter Tiana is also following and followed by apparent relatives who have the surname Liu.
So my final verdict is: 0% Jewish.
Of course, someone does not have to be Jewish to push a Jewish agenda. Especially if they are homosexual, female or mixed race, and Tiana is two of those things.
Mixed race people feel that they lack any ties to any nation, and so it is an obvious move for them to push for globalism, wherein no nation exists.
The Chinese are certainly not going to accept her, given her lack of a connection to the hivemind, as well as the lowered quality of her sex appeal in comparison to their purebred women (evidenced in the picture below).
Most white nations would accept her, probably. I have always found the “who is white tho???” question to be tedious, autistic and stupid, given that I think anyone who identifies as white, looks white and isn’t Jewish should be considered white. But as far as people who have gotten down into the weeds of this discussion go, I think William Johnson, founder of the Freedom Party, had the best take:
No person shall be a citizen of the United States unless he is a non-Hispanic white of the European race, in whom there is no ascertainable trace of Negro blood, nor more than one-eighth Mongolian, Asian, Asia Minor, Middle Eastern, Semitic, Near Eastern, American Indian, Malay or other non-European or non-white blood, provided that Hispanic whites, defined as anyone with an Hispanic ancestor, may be citizens if, in addition to meeting the aforesaid ascertainable trace and percentage tests, they are in appearance indistinguishable from Americans whose ancestral home is in the British Isles or Northwestern Europe.
So her kids would meet that threshold.
It’s a pointless discussion since her (and most people) with a quarter non-white blood aren’t interested in being a part of a white nation anyway, and are instead pushing for total mixed-race globalism like she is.
With both the tits and race controversies having been solved, it appears that the only remaining controversy regarding Tiana Lowe surrounds her aggressive calls to silence freedom of speech, while claiming to be a “conservative.” I believe that this controversy can be solved by her agreeing to debate me on the Weekly Sweat show.
As she is no doubt going to take issue with our determination that her tits are fake, and attempt to redirect discussion of the free speech controversy back onto the tits controversy, it would be appropriate that she does the debate topless, so everyone has a clear view and can come to their own determinations about the true nature of her tits. A topless interview would also make the viewer less bored when listening to her gibberish.