Project Swastidrone: We Shall Own the Skies

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 9, 2015


Mike Delaney (of, for anyone who doesn’t know), has launched a brilliant and hilarious project to literally troll the skies of America.

He has attached a lighted swastika to a remote controlled drone, and flown it over populated areas and events. This is absolutely brilliant, and it is infinitely scalable. There is no limit to the number of these that can be cheaply put into the sky and flown over public events, triggering massive national publicity. Especially when it is being done across the country, which it will be if enough people have the balls to do it.

We can put them over Jew, Black and homo events, or just fly them over crowded districts in cities at night.

Best part: It is not illegal. At least not in America.

In a short while, I will be getting specific directions from Mike as to how this is done, how much it costs and so on. This could end up being the biggest IRL trolling operation ever in history.

Just brainstorming on the fly here – it might be that there are people who don’t have the money for one of these, but have the will, and some who have the money but lack the appropriate situation to make it possible. And perhaps we can figure out a way for people to buy drones for others to operate.

Anyway, this is just a teaser. I am not going to set dates here, or give any specific plans of action, but I do believe we have the power to pull this off and create a huge media storm.

Thoughts are welcome.