Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 29, 2014

The myth we are told by the establishment about homosexuals is that they are not child predators. However, it seems that every day, we see a new case proving that this is not the case. Part of the homosexual psychological disorder involves a desire to have sex with children.
One such case was settled recently, with the guilty plea of the prominent gay rights activist Larry Brikin for the possession and distribution of child pornography. In his possession were images depiction children as young as 1-year-old being sodomized.
His email address was reported as suspicious to the authorities, at which point his home, which he shares with his “husband,” was raided, and the images discovered.
He was active in the online child pornography community, often commenting on the images. One such comment, as reported by SF Weekly, read “I loved especially the nigger 2 year old getting nailed. Hope you’ll continue so I can see what the little blond bitch is going to get. White Power! White Supremacy! White Dick Rules!”
Those in the White community may be surprised by the fact that a homosexual would express pro-White sentiment, but in fact many homosexuals hate black people. And as you see in the comment, he also hates White children, and desires to see them raped.
Brinkin was considered an “icon” of the gay liberation movement in San Francisco, with an entire week in that city being dedicated to him and the work he did to “liberate” the predatory homosexual population, giving them all the special rights they demand in their struggle to rule over those with normal sexuality.
He will not lose his pension, because the possession and distribution of images of babies being raped does not constitute “moral turpitude.”
Homosexuals are a Threat to the Basic Foundations of Society
The existence of homosexuals in any society presents a clear danger to all children, which is the ultimate reason why homosexuals must be eliminated from society completely.
This particular queer, Brinkin, was charged merely with viewing acts of child abuse, but we can surely assume that if one enjoys viewing such acts, he would also enjoy engaging in them, and would likely use any opportunity which became available to do so.
Though I applaud Russia’s stance on the homosexual problem, as it is clearly a step in the right direction, it is ultimately much too soft. Far from simply disallowing them to spread their propaganda, the entire danger of the homosexual must be removed from society, in order that we may protect our children from abuse.
As long as these people are on the streets, the children are in danger. As such, it is not out of hatred that I advocate that all homosexuals be either executed or interned in a mental health facility, either permanently or until they can be cured of their disease.