Prominent Non-White UKIP Member Resigns Due to ‘Terrifying Racist Populism’

Daily Stormer
May 14, 2014

Sanya-Jeet Thandi, head of the UKIP Youth division, has made a huge fuss over ‘terrifying racism’ in UKIP.

Fresh on the heels of Nigel Farage wheeling out all the foreign supporters of UKIP last week to prove the party were not ‘racist,’ one of the most prominent non-White members has left in a huge huff, accusing UKIP of terrifying her with their hardcore racist rhetoric!

One can only hope that this is true and that UKIP are starting to realise that the biggest problem facing all of us is the replacement of the White British people with the Non-White subhumans of the third world.

Farage himself does not appear to be particularly fussed about this young Indian woman leaving, saying her resignation was ‘of no great significance.’

The goofy and slow-witted dot-head claims she had no idea they were anti-immigration.

From the BBC:

A prominent member of UKIP’s youth wing has resigned from the party, accusing it of descending into a “form of racist populism”.

In a blog on the Guardian website, student Sanya-Jeet Thandi criticised UKIP for running an “anti-immigrant campaign” and of trying to “exploit the ignorance in British society”.

She said she would abstain in the forthcoming European elections.

A UKIP source said her resignation was “of no great significance”.

The party was growing at a “rate of knots”, they added. “She is just one voice out of a total membership of 2,000 in our youth wing.”

Ms Thandi, a student at the London School of Economics, had been a member of Young Independence, UKIP’s Youth Wing, for three years.

She spoke at the 2012 party conference and has appeared on Channel 4 News.

But, in her blog, she criticised the recent use of a poster saying that 26 million people in Europe were looking for work and asking: “And whose jobs are they after?”

She wrote that “the direction in which the party is going is terrifying: UKIP has descended into a form of racist populism that I cannot bring myself to vote for.

“This week I decided to leave the party and I will abstain from voting in the upcoming European elections. I urge other UKIP supporters to do the same.”

She also wrote: “I understand that British politics in the 21st Century has become a dirty game of populism, but UKIP is straying further and further from the policies that attracted so many of its original supporters, instead cynically pursuing ever more aggressive anti-immigrant rhetoric.”

UKIP’s head of communications, Patrick O’Flynn tweeted that Ms Thandi was going against the trend when it came to Young Independence.

He tweeted: “YI membership topped 2,000 in May, approximately x2 what it was a year ago. Approx 200 new members since start of March.”

And a party source told the BBC: “She’s a young person and she speaks her opinions. I’m free not to consider them very important.

“I don’t regard her as a person I should spend a huge amount of my time bothering about.”

We can only hope that UKIP begins to realize that the people love it for its “terrifying racist populism” and that it is this which needs to be embraced if they hope to lead a path toward victory for the British people.

Nigel says goodbye, whoever you are.