Proposal to “Ensure Continuation of the German People” Rejected as Pure Nazism

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 11, 2016

Only Nazis think the Germans have a right to continue to exist.

Others – such as the Jews – know that they deserve to be exterminated because their great-grandfathers gassed 6 million Jews in fake shower rooms using insect spray.

In 2011, the Nationalist Party of Germany (NPD) made a proposal in the State Parliament of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania that was intended to “ensure the biological continuation of the German people”. It contained measures such as providing a salary for women who choose to be mothers, increases in child support, provide interest-free loans as well as pension raises for parents.

Stefan Köster, state chairman of the party and speaker for family affairs, explained the desperate need to increase birth rates among Germans as high immigration rates, low fertility and emigration of natives who lost hope in their country imply the eventual extinction of the German people. He stressed that healthy families are the very foundation of a society and all of Europe’s wealth stems from the diversity of different peoples in their respective nations. No amount of consumption and materialism can ever replace a child’s laugh, which has sadly become a rarity as Germany now has the lowest birth rate in the world.

He explains that if current trends continue, native Germans will be minority in their own major cities within decades, as it is already the case in other European capitals like London. Liberal politicians, like Stefanie von Berg, openly celebrate this.

Throughout the speech he is mocked, heckled and interrupted with insults like “Nazi” or “racist”.

By 2030, 30% of the native German population will be older than 65. 1 in 2 Children born in Germany is born to a migrant family.

The Nationalist party called out the grave importance of reversing this trend to avoid Germans losing their homeland and future.

The proposal to ensure the continuation of the German people met unanimous rejection by all parties.

A speaker for the Social Democrats explicitly states in a rebuttal that all democratic parties show nothing but utter contempt for the proposal and will unite to make sure nothing like this will ever get passed. According to the Social Democrats, the German people has caused nothing but death and destruction by causing two world wars and the mere concept of securing a future for German children in Germany is inherently racist, inhuman and a Nazi ideology.

According to the ruling parties, rather than funding German families, “all” families must receive financial support to avoid being racist. The lack of children among Germans has be equalized through mass immigration from Africa and the Middle East.