Daily Stormer
August 7, 2014

David Joseph Pedersen, who appears to be completely mentally unstable, is accused of wanting to start a “white supremacist revolution,” and of having a plan to “massacre Jews.”
He never actually did that, though. Him and his girlfriend just killed four people randomly, on a 2011 10-day crime spree across Washington, Oregon and Northern California.
It looks as though the sneaky behavior of the prosecution was designed to play up the “neo-Nazi hater” angle of what is clearly a case of psychological-illness driven violence.
On Monday, a Portland federal judge sentenced Pedersen, 34, to two life terms without parole.
Then, in a thundering written opinion, Senior District Judge Ancer L. Haggerty criticized prosecutors for a “disturbing” series of oversights and ethical missteps. The errors were especially disturbing, he said, because officials had considered seeking the death penalty.
Investigators failed to turn over huge swaths of evidence to the defense, and collected and listened to Pedersen’s confidential jailhouse phone calls with his attorneys, Haggerty said.
The judge accused the lead investigator, Oregon State Police Det. Dave Steele, of “backdating” evidence reports, reviewing Pedersen’s confidential attorney calls and letters, destroying evidence, lying to the U.S. attorney’s office and filing a false declaration with the court — a potentially criminal pattern of conduct.
“Given the breadth of his misconduct in this case, it is not difficult to imagine that he has committed similar misconduct in other cases,” the judge wrote, suggesting Steele might be prosecuted.
Pedersen’s crime spree began Sept. 26, 2011, with the slayings of his father, David Jones “Red” Pedersen, and stepmother, Leslie Mae “Dee Dee” Pedersen, in Snohomish County, Wash., according to court records.
Officials say that Pedersen shot his father, calling him a child molester, and that his partner in the spree, Holly Ann Grigsby, cut Dee Dee Pedersen’s throat.
The pair then traveled to Oregon, where, on Oct. 1, Pedersen shot and killed 19-year-old Cody Myers, stole his car and dumped his body in the woods, according to court records.
Next, they drove to Eureka, Calif., where Pedersen killed Reginald Alan Clark, 53, on Oct. 4.
The California Highway Patrol arrested them the next day. Pedersen had his father’s wallet, as well as phone numbers and addresses of Jewish organizations in Portland, officials said.
After his arrest, Pedersen wrote a letter to the Oregonian newspaper, saying he hoped his actions “would serve as an example for others to follow.”
In March 2012, he pleaded guilty in Snohomish County to Washington state charges of killing his parents. He received life without parole.
Though I admittedly only have one side of this story, it looks like this man was probably abused by his father as a child, which led to deeply-rooted psychological instability, which then led to this killing spree.
I see no relation to “White supremacism” here, at all, save that he took on this type of cartoonish racism in order to justify his inner-violence.
It seems very likely the authorities purposefully sensationalized this case, likely because Jews were involved in the prosecution of it. Along with this, prosecuters, whether Jewish or not, often see media hype around cases they are involved in as a way to forward their careers, and a plan to mass murder Jews is significantly hysteria-laden to bring in a serious amount of media coverage, whereas a couple of crazy people killing a few people and getting arrested is less so.
It is a damn shame that we get called the same names as psycho-killers on senseless death rampages. This is all part of their plan – the term “White Supremacist,” if only applied to the likes of us advocating for White rights, would be without emotional power if it were not attached to the violent behavior of crazies.
It is a constant struggle to achieve an image of normalcy while dealing with this sort of complex defamation.
Imagine if the politics of black murderers were brought into the court room every time one of them committed murder? What percentage of black killers are members of some type of racial hate-group, I wonder? We will never know, because neither a prosecutor or the media would ever bring it up.