Protecting This Bitch: Clinton Aide Video Testimony Ordered Sealed

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 27, 2016


The entire government is cooperating to ensure that the crazy bitch Hillary “Hilldawg” Clinton is not prosecuted for her treasonous criminal behavior.

None of this is standard practice. It’s all just an in-your-face conspiracy by the Obama government.

But the Jew media and Jew Bernie flat refuse to call her out on it.


Video-recorded depositions by former aides of Hillary Clinton in relation to her private email server in use during her tenure as secretary of state will not be made publicly available, a federal judge ruled.

US District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan for the District of Columbia made his order in advance of Friday’s scheduled deposition by Clinton’s ex-chief of staff, Cheryl Mills.

“The depositions permitted by the Court are limited in scope, but relate to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email practices during her tenure at the State Department,” Judge Sullivan wrote on Thursday, according to Politico.

“The public has a right to know details related to the creation, purpose and use of the system. Thus, the transcripts of all depositions taken in this case will be publicly available. It is therefore unnecessary to also make the audiovisual recording of Ms. Mills’ deposition public,” he added.

Except that the transcript will be redacted, and we won’t be able to see her lying.

Beyond that, I wouldn’t be surprised if you people outright alter the transcript.

Lawyers for Mills petitioned the court, concerned the contents of the video could be used “as part of a partisan attack” against the Democratic presidential front-runner. Mills, however, did support the release of a transcript.

Raising the possibility that the recordings could eventually be released, Judge Sullivan, who was an appointee under President Bill Clinton, ordered that the videos be filed with the court.

Sullivan had approved the depositions as part of a lawsuit filed by the conservative legal advocacy group Judicial Watch. Those to be deposed include Mills, deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin and Undersecretary Patrick Kennedy. Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act request in 2013, seeking records related to Abedin’s outside work as a paid consultant for the Clinton Foundation and a financial firm with ties to the Clintons.

The question at hand is whether a State Department search, which failed to find thousands of emails Clinton exchanged with her aides, including Abedin, was thorough enough. The State Department said those emails were unavailable at the time of the request.

Judge Sullivan has said, depending on what might be learned from those early depositions over the coming weeks, a sworn deposition from Hillary Clinton “may be necessary.”

“May be”?

Are you kidding me?