Protoss High Council Seeks Investigation Over 17 Dead Zerglings

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 31, 2018

The UN doing something about the Jews is a meme.

They issue these orders and the Jews laugh at them and nothing happens. That is the cycle.


The UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, has called for an independent investigation after Palestinian officials said 16 Palestinians were killed in clashes with Israeli soldiers on Friday.

Hundreds were also injured on the Gaza border, the Palestinian side said.

Friday was the single deadliest day in the Israel-Palestine conflict since the 2014 Gaza war.

The UN Security Council condemned the violence after an emergency session.

UN deputy political affairs chief Taye-Brook Zerihoun told the council the situation in Gaza “might deteriorate in the coming days” and called for civilians, particularly children, not to be targeted, Reuters news agency reports.

“Israel must uphold its responsibilities under international human rights and humanitarian law,” he said.

In a written statement before the meeting, Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, blamed the bloodshed on Hamas – the militant group that controls the Gaza Strip, a Palestinian territory.

So, whatever.


The fact of the matter is: leftists being angry at Israel is a good thing.

We are trying to sandwich these kikes. A kike sandwich.

Oh man, kike sandwich…

Srsly u guise.

I hate the kikes with all of my being. AND I am 100% paleo at least 30 days a month.

But we’re going to have to leave one Jew alive to make Reubens.

On rye and pumpernickel motherfucker, holy shit.

So what I’m thinking is – Stephen Miller.

We can just be like “look, guy, we really appreciate what you did for us, getting all of these bean and kebab people out, so although we’re shoving all of your kinsmen into gas chambers, we’re gonna let you remain. But, you can’t be in the government. At least not the US government. But we’re making you the head of the government of SANDWICHES.”

Now wait, hold on, what was I just talking about before this?

Oh right – REUBEN ON RYE!


Oh but the zerglings.

Yeah, 17 dead, they rushed the gate.


The Palestinian Authority has declared Saturday a day of national mourning after 17 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces as thousands marched near Gaza’s border with Israel in a major demonstration marking the 42nd anniversary of Land Day. 

“Schools, universities as well as all government institutions across the country will be off on Saturday, as per President Mahmoud Abbas’ decision to declare a day of national mourning for the souls of the martyrs,” a statement issued on Friday said.

More than 1,400 others were wounded after Israeli forces fired live ammunition at protesters and used tear gas to push them back from a heavily fortified fence, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

Friday’s demonstration commemorated Land Day, which took place on March 30, 1976, when six unarmed Palestinian citizens of Israel were killed by Israeli forces during protests against the Israeli government’s decision to expropriate massive tracts of Palestinian-owned land.

One thing I do genuinely appreciate about the Palestinians is that every day is the “Day of [INSERT THING].”


17 DEAD!


Firing live ammo at protesters though. That’s hardcore.

Imagine if the Jews in America weren’t stopping us from doing that to our own problem populations.

But no.

They rush into our government buildings to talk about the cost of rent and insurance.

But Seriously, Let’s Cut the Sandwich Shit and Discuss the Matter at Hand, Anglin

Okay, okay. Chill.


I think the only reason Israel would respond with deadly force when it was so unnecessary to do so is if they’re purposefully trying to rile up the natives.

Basically, with the war dead in Syria, they need some other war going, and I think ultimately they want to get Lebanon involved.

Lebanon clearly thinks this, and they actually went yesterday to cockblock their own people from joining the riot.

But yeah, I think the goal is Lebanon.

There is not really much worth doing in terms of a war against Palestine. They can’t fight back and it ends up just being really bad PR for Israel.

Although right now, you’ve got the walls closing in on Bibi with the corruption thing, so he is probably looking for any reason at all to deflect attention from himself onto “security concerns.”

So maybe they’ll just invade Gaza or whatever.

I dunno.

But something is going to happen next week, I can tell you that.