Prove Me Wrong: This One Pic Summarizes the Absolute State of the UK

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
September 16, 2018

Let’s break this pic down.


Center-right. A white man being arrested by bobbies for being White. A typical sight in modern day Britain.


Far-right. Tackled man’s bitch-wife is taking the side of the coppers, one of whom is also female. They gynocracy and it’s beta enablers crushing the lone White man’s dissent.

Center-back. White women fraternizing with the enemy. Looking on, nonchalantly as the coppers suppress nascent White identity.

Far-right. A traitor woman gives information on the White man to the police. Women are the best enforcers of totalitarianism.


Center-left. Lounging. Disgusting. Gut-hanging out. Priorities: reaching for the beer, caring for nothing. Not helping his White brother. Probably too fat to do much anyway. Back turned towards the real problems facing the country: mass third world migration. Relaxing around blacks like a pleb. His girl about to leave his sorry ass lying there as she makes a beeline for the Arabs.


Lurking in the background. No longer out of sight, but still, somehow, out of mind. Police have their priorities straight though: suppressing Whitey.


In a word: end-stage capitalism. Three words and a hyphen, to be more precise. Shuttered up mortar and brick businesses in the foreground. In the background, glitzy overprized Globo-Corpo. Some brand no one has ever heard of, but that we’re willing to shell whole paychecks out on.


Pure art. Modern society encapsulated in a pic. The only thing I would dock points for would be the women. They’re much too thin and well-dressed. Probably Polish migrants. If we had some fat slags in the photo, it would have been less aesthetic, but also more realistic.

I leave that one in the air though. No accounting for personal taste when it comes to art.