PSA for Teenagers Regarding the GREEN MENACE and Your Future

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 20, 2018

Don’t be these guys. Don’t ever be what the Jews told you to be.

Okay, kids.

This is a PSA for pre-teens and teenagers.


If you are in high school or even middle school, odds are you are being pressured into smoking weed.

And I understand that it might not seem like a big deal. And honestly, smoking it once or even occasionally isn’t a big deal.

However, marijuana is addictive. They claim that it is not, but all available data shows that it is. I have never known a pot smoker who did not smoke it regularly. Whether it is a psychological or physical addiction is irrelevant.

And the problem with smoking weed is that it makes you a loser. Try to find an accomplished individual who is also a weed-smoker. There are very, very few of these persons. Generally, they are happy with a loser job, a fat girlfriend or no girlfriend, and video games.

You want to be better than that. You want to live a life that leaves a mark on the world. You want to be remembered for your accomplishments.

And the best way to do that is to avoid drug use altogether. And the best way to do that is to hang out with people who don’t use drugs either.

You should form a separate type of culture to live in. Be in a culture that is focused on health and fitness, as well as learning. Get a regular gym routine, and learn how to fight (Jujitsu or Muay Thai are recommended but if there is none of that in your area they all are good).

Think about your own future, and your money, and fighting for this cause that we are in. Consider the possibility that you could be a lawyer or a politician fighting for this cause, and that you could go down in history.

Because you are capable of doing that.

We are entering a new age.

A little bit of alcohol on the weekends won’t hurt you, just make sure that you’re capable of dealing with it. If you are the type to go on a rampage when you drink, then don’t drink either.

Being fit and healthy will put you way above your peers in terms of the dating pool. Being rich and successful will help you later on in life with women.

Think Long and Hard Before You Dox Yourself

After you become a public figure in the movement, there is no going back from that, so if you are young, think that through.

In most situations, you are going to want to keep your political beliefs on the down-low for the time being. At least until you get out of college. If you are running for office, you should keep some things quiet as well. Although if you are in high school now, it is very likely that by the time you are out of college, speaking openly about the Jews will be socially acceptable. That has been my goal from the start, which is why I have gone so hard. There is a barrier we are breaking through.

And Paul Nehlen’s coming out very much indicates that we are well on our way to making “anti-Semitism” something you can express without getting fired from your job.

But think it over.

Understand This

You should view your life from the outset as a work of art, where you want to create the things that will leave the most meaning behind. Because you are going to die. We are all going to die. And after we are dead, the only thing we will be judged on are our accomplishments. Accomplishments and children are the only thing that we are able to leave behind.

Fun times and enjoyment are fleeting, but accomplishment is not. I have never in my life been happier than I am working on this website. I have to actually set dates on my calendar to engage in social activities, because if I don’t I will just work nonstop, as I understand how much of an impact every word I write is having on the world through my ability to influence the way people think.

We are building a new civilization.

And we are going to have revenge on our enemies.