Psychotic Black Newly-Wed Shoots and Kills White Husband Cuz Dat Nigga be Tribbin

My Palm Beach Post
February 15, 2014

Laurence Edward Daly was killed by a gunshot wound to the chest by his Black ‘wife’.

After allegedly shooting her husband last week, Valerie Ann Lowe waited 12 minutes before calling Port St. Lucie Police while the man “laid on the bedroom floor suffering,” according to a probable cause affidavit.

Before dialing the emergency number, Lowe placed a pair of underpants on her husband, changed her clothes from the pajamas she was wearing, put her gun away, turned on a porch light and unlocked the front door to the couple’s residence.

When police arrived, Lowe answered by asking, “Who is it?” before unlocking the door. Police were so baffled by the woman’s calm demeanor that an officer thought he might be at the wrong house.

Lowe, a 53-year-old former U.S. Army captain, was arrested Wednesday and faces a charge of second-degree murder.

Laurence Edward Daly, 59, died at Lawnwood Trauma Center on Feb. 5 from a gunshot wound to the chest.

Lowe told police she and Daly were involved in a domestic dispute when she shot him with a .38 caliber Smith and Wesson revolver.

The couple married in July after meeting on a dating website and the relationship appeared to have been tempestuous from the start.

In September, Lowe called police to her home and asked them to remove Daly, referring to him as a “bigamist.” In December, Lowe called police again following another domestic dispute.

Valerie Ann Lowe says she thought he was fine when she heard him snoring.

The couple got into a heated argument in their master bedroom on Feb. 5. Lowe told police she accused Daly of not paying his share of the bills and questioned him about a woman named “Wanda” that her husband had flown to Florida in July before they were married.

Daly called her several names and began acting aggressively, closing his fist as if to hit her, Lowe told police.

As the argument continued, Lowe said she reached into a nightstand drawer and grabbed her gun. Feeling threatened, Lowe said she shot Daly.

After shooting Daly, Lowe said her husband went into “theatrics,” falling to one knee and saying, “Oh… Jesus, I’m coming to be with you. She shot me. I’m coming Lord. I’m coming now.”

Lowe, who told police she was experienced in advanced medical techniques from her military service, said she rendered first aid, but felt Daly was going to be fine when he began snoring, according to the police report.

Police became skeptical of Lowe’s accounts when she changed her story several times, the affidavit states. After originally telling police that Daly had not hit her, Lowe changed her account and said that her husband struck her several times.

When confronted about her story’s inconsistencies, Lowe told police “that sometimes she will forget things.”

Daly’s family released a statement Wednesday calling the murder “a senseless act of violence.”

“Larry was a loving father, grandfather and brother who demonstrated a love of the lord and lived his life accordingly,” the statement reads.

Lowe was booked Wednesday into the St. Lucie County jail.