Pudgy Scum-Sucker Hollande Attacks Glorious Leader Over Khan Hoax

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 3, 2016


I thought the shark had been jumped on the Khan propaganda hoax following the King Louie’s statements on it yesterday.

But get this – now the French are jumping on board the scam boat!


French President Francois Hollande has strongly criticized U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump, saying some of the things Trump does make him sick.

“Some excesses make your stomach turn, even in the United States, especially when — as did Donald Trump — he speaks ill of a soldier, of the memory of a soldier,” Hollande said according to three people present at a meeting Tuesday with members of the French Presidential Press Association.

This Khan hoax is absolutely the most insane distortion of basic reality that I have ever witnessed.

Here are Trump’s actual statements, which Hollade, Obama and the entire media claim amount to “insulting a dead soldier”:

Here is the entire transcript of the exchange:

STEPHANOPOULOS: I don’t know if you saw the speech, but there’s man named Khizr Khan, speaking at the Democratic convention last night. His son, Captain Humayun Khan, was killed serving in Iraq, and he had some very tough questions for you.


KHIZR KHAN, CAPT. HUMAYUN KHAN’S FATHER: Have you read the United States constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy. You have sacrificed nothing and no one.


STEPHANOPOULOS: He said you wouldn’t have let his son in America.

TRUMP: He doesn’t know — he doesn’t know that.

I saw him. He was, you know, very emotional. And probably looked like — a nice guy to me. His wife, if you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably — maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say. You tell me, but plenty of people have written that.

She was extremely quiet and looked like she had nothing to say. A lot of people have said that.

And personally, I watched him. I wish him the best of luck, George.

STEPHANOPOULOS: What would you say to the father?

TRUMP: Well, I would say, we have had a lot of problems with radical Islamic terrorism, that’s what I’d say. We have had a lot of problems where you look at San Bernardino, you look at Orlando, you look at the World Trade Center, you look at so many different things. You look at what happened to the priest over the weekend in Paris, where his throat was cut, 85-year-old, beloved Catholic priest. You look at what happened in Nice, France, a couple of weeks ago.

I would say, you gotta take a look that, because something is going on, and it’s not good.

STEPHANOPOULOS: He said you have sacrificed nothing and no one.

TRUMP: Well, that sounds — who wrote that? Did Hillary’s script writer write it? Because everybody that went out there — we also had John Allen, who failed with ISIS. I mean, he was a general — General Allen — he went out, and he’s ranting and raving. And then I read a report. He was in there for a number of months, and he failed with ISIS. And he’s telling me, you know.

Where is the “dishonor”?

Where is the part that indicates he is “unfit to be President”?

What the hell is going on?

This is a massive, huge staged media hoax, which involves the DNC, the entire media, Barack Obama – and now the President of France!

This man viciously attacked and insulted Donald Trump, using his dead son as a political weapon. All Trump did was give a very mild response.

But you see the whole thing was planned out in advance, without the expectation that Trump would be so mild in his response. So they’ve just gone right ahead with the plan to claim he “insulted a dead soldier and his grieving family,” even though he was very careful – much more careful than he usually is – to ensure he didn’t say anything nasty.

The Level of Hypocrisy

Look at this:

msnbc khan

The media attacked Trump for allowing the mother of a man killed in Benghazi to speak at the RNC, saying he was exploiting a grieving mother. Then the DNC pulls out this guy.

Obviously, the difference is that Hillary was personally responsible for the death of Pat Smith’s son, and her argument was that the woman who killed her son is unfit to be President.

What was Khan’s argument?

He had no argument.



The idea that if your son dies it means you have some type of divine right to dictate any government policy is deranged.

He used his dead son to push an immigration agenda, which has absolutely nothing to do with the Iraq war. Trump is not responsible for the death of this man’s son. In fact, Hillary is responsible – she’s the one who voted for the Iraq war in 2002 when she was a Senator. Trump was against it.

Khan’s statements were also abject nonsense. He claimed that the Constitution says that unlimited numbers of Moslems are allowed to immigrate to the United States. This is just a stupid lie – the Constitution does not, in any way, guarantee any foreigner or religious group the right to immigrate to the United States.

The Constitution doesn’t even contain the word “immigrant” or “immigration” – here, try ctrl+f and see if you can find it.


It’s just a complete lie, which anyone who can read can figure out.

But Hillary is pandering to the lowest common denominator with emotional gibberish, so the truth is irrelevant.

I think this is backfiring though. They have made this the top news story for a week, and anyone can see that Trump said nothing wrong. It is going to redpill a lot of people, who are witnessing before their very eyes the collusion of the media, politicians and foreign politicians, in a conspiracy to lie about something which is open and public.

They are piling lies on top of lies on top of lies in an age where all information is instantly accessible.

It is unfeasible.