Puerto Rico Declines to Pay the US the Money They Owe

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 3, 2016


Puerto Rico is a parasite state. They send their people to our country to send the money back to their crap colony, they get all these rights, and what do we get? Resource exploitation for multinational corporations?

Now they can’t even pay us.

I think an invasion is in order. If it’s going to be a colony, it needs a strict colonial government which manages its affairs. Otherwise, it needs to just be cut-off and left to fend for itself.


Gov. Alejandro Garcia Padilla announced that Puerto Rico’s government will not make a $420 million bond payment due Monday, after a failure to negotiate a legal or political solution to the U.S. territory’s public debt crisis.

Garcia said Sunday that he had issued an executive order suspending payments on debt owed by the island’s Government Development Bank, a default that will likely prompt lawsuits from creditors and could hurt future access to capital markets.

Island officials spent the weekend trying to negotiate a settlement that would have avoided the default but apparently came up short. The development comes as Congress has so far been unable to pass a debt restructuring bill for Puerto Rico.

“Let me be very clear, this was a painful decision,” Garcia said in a speech. “We would have preferred to have had a legal framework to restructure our debts in an orderly manner.”

Oh, we’re going to restructure you, Puerto Rico.

You can believe that.
