Puerto Rico Demands Trump Make Them a State

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 20, 2018

If your parties are so good, why do you need white people’s help, niggers? 

Because you don’t know what to do when it rains? 

Colonialism was supposed to be this horrible evil thing. The most evil thing after the Holocaust and slavery. But somehow, this former colony wants to remain slaves to the whites by becoming a state?

Doesn’t this discredit the entire belief system of the Jews? 

The Hill:

Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló asked President Trump Wednesday to recognize “that Puerto Rico’s territorial status is discriminatory and allows for the unequal treatment of natural born U.S. citizens.”

In a letter to the president obtained by The Hill and timed to coincide with the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Maria hitting Puerto Rico on Thursday, Rosselló said the island’s territorial status negatively affected recovery efforts post-Maria.

As we revisit all that we have been through in the last year, one thing has not changed and remains the biggest impediment for Puerto Rico’s full and prosperous recovery: the inequalities Puerto Rico faces as the oldest, most populous colony in the world,” wrote Rosselló.

Rosselló, who campaigned on the promise of promoting statehood, wrote to Trump that the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s bureaucratic processes — in which Puerto Rico has no say — have slowed disaster recovery.

“The ongoing and historic inequalities resulting from Puerto Rico’s territorial status have been exacerbated by a series of decisions by the federal government that have slowed our post-disaster recovery, compared to what has happened in other jurisdictions stateside,” reads the letter.

In the letter, Rosselló also asks Trump to reconsider a State Department request to dismiss a case in the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) over the United States’s international responsibility regarding Puerto Rico’s status.

In that case, the IACHR is investigating complaints that the United States is violating the human rights of its citizens in Puerto Rico, who don’t have the same political rights as U.S. citizens who live in states.

Puerto Ricans are natural-born U.S. citizens, but they can’t vote for president unless they relocate to one of the states or the District of Columbia, and as a territory, Puerto Rico is only awarded one non-voting delegate in Congress.

There is absolutely zero benefit to the United States of having this colony. There is even less benefit of them becoming a state. They are just parasites.

When colonialism was declared evil, all these countries were given independence.

Why don’t we do that for these niggers?

Why are they not asking for it?

Wouldn’t that be the liberal definition of “equality”?

If equality is becoming a part of the United States, than why can’t we just invade countries and take them over like in the old days?

This is stupid.

They are capitalizing on this hurricane holocaust hoax to try and max out free shit from white people.

I am so tired of whites refusing to ever take their own side.

Take your own side, White Man.