Puerto Rico Votes to Become a State

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 12, 2017

I hope this doesn’t happen.

Technically, it would probably be less expensive than what it is right now as a colony. And probably, a lot of them would leave the continent and go home if they had normal welfare and wages there.

But in the longer run, it just means more brown people voting.


With a record low turnout of 23 percent, Puerto Ricans have voted to join the US as the Union’s 51 State. The US Congress will now have to decide whether it wants to expand the nation’s borders and accept the poverty stricken Caribbean island into the Union.

Some 97.18 percent of the people who voted in Sunday’s non-binding referendum said they want to become part of the United States, the State Elections Commission (CEE) commission announced.

Only 1.5 percent of voters said they would choose independence, while 1.32 percent said they want to remain a self-governing territory within the US commonwealth.

Wow, 1.5%.

But when only 23% even bother to vote… I guess this isn’t something people feel especially strongly about.

But despite the clear ‘Yes’ vote to join the US, the plebiscite only registered a 23 percent turnout of 2.25 million eligible voters. Sunday’s referendum was boycotted by opposition parties, including those which support independence.

The leader of the Popular Democratic Party (PPD), Carlos Delgado, called the result of the election a blow to the credibility of Governor Ricardo Rossello.

“Today, sadly, this [election] process leads this country to present to the world that democracy failed, the call to participate in democracy failed,” Delgado said.

“What we have seen here is the result of manipulation, the predetermined action of not seeking consensus on the core issues of the country,” he added.

The final decision on whether or not to accept Puerto Rico as the 51st state lies with the US Congress. Article IV, Section 3 of the American Constitution grants the US Congress authority to grant statehood.

Though it would be slightly less expensive as a state, we get absolutely nothing out of Puerto Rico as a state, just as we get nothing out of it as a colony.

The best solution is for Puerto Rico to declare independence.

Then they can have self-determination, and we don’t have to pay for it.

But they don’t want that.

They want big daddy whitey the evil racist who hates them for the color of their skin to take care of everything.