Daily Stormer
September 30, 2014

Above are two maps, one showing the percentage of Blacks in a given county, the other showing the rate of homicide in a given county. These maps would be interesting if race existed, but because race is a social construct, they are of no interest whatsoever, unless perhaps one is studying the phenomenon of strange coincidences.
Racists will no doubt use this image above, posting it on Facebook and showing it to their friends to try and prove their nonsensical theory that race does in fact exist and that some races are more prone to crime than others, but all they will be proving is that they are backward haters who are probably inbred and illiterate or whatever, so blinded are they by their hatred that they cannot recognize that even if Blacks are almost solely responsible for violent crime in America, it is because of socioeconomics or systematic racism or something, not because of tens of thousands of years of variant evolutionary development.
Please do everything you possibly can, good goyim, to suppress this information, lest more innocent Blacks be shot on the streets by racist Whites for no reason.