Pure Logic: Czech Politician Says to Put Migrants in Former German Concentration Camp

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 10, 2015

    Terezin: A new home for our new friends!
Terezin: A new home for our new friends!

Sometimes you’re thinking about a problem, and you feel like you’ve come at it from every angle and still feel stumped, and then some Slav comes along and is like “hey, what about we…”

And then you’re just like “duh! Why didn’t I think of that!

Jerusalem Post:

Police in the Czech Republic are investigating comments made on Facebook by an extremist politician calling for refugees to be placed in Terezin, the former Nazi concentration camp.

Adam Bartos, the leader of the fringe yet vocal far-right nationalist National Democracy Party, published the comments about the site, located in the central European country, on Monday.

Reacting to the establishment of a refugee camp near the country’s border with Slovakia, Bartos wrote, “Why build tent camps for the aliens? We have the beautiful fortress town of Terezin where the aliens could concentrate before they are taken home by trains.”

A police spokeswoman told the Czech News Agency on Monday that the police will probe whether or not the comments constitute a criminal act. According to Czech law, hate speech and comments inciting national, racial or religious hatred can carry penalties of up to three years in prison.

Bartos is under investigation for four incidents involving allegedly racist, anti-Semitic and violence-inciting remarks. He also keeps a blog titled Hall of Jewish Fame that critics say lists politicians, journalists and other public figures of supposedly Jewish origin.

Terezin isn’t even a “concentration camp,” it’s just a military base, originally established as a fortress in the 18th century by Habsburg emperor Joseph II, with a small walled town around it. It was turned into a “ghetto” to house dangerous Christ-killing psychopaths (AKA Jews) during the war.

Terezín map (1790)
Terezín map (1790)

After the Jews won the war, they used it to hold ethnic Germans, so they could torture and murder them. Eventually, the place was turned back into a military base, but was shut down after the fall of communism.

The Germans were able to hold 32,000 people in the place. Now it’s completely empty.

It would – just in basic practical terms here – be a perfect place to put all of these “migrants” as we make plans to ship them home.

Here are a few pictures of the place which – suffice to say – is a hell of a lot better than these “refugees” deserve (as in fact they “deserve” nothing other than to be kicked in fields).

02 115 153 155

The only reason you would not make use of this fortress to store these people that you specifically want to use them to further destroy Prague.

I was in Prague about 18 months ago, and the streets were already filled with Black and brown drug dealers, pimps and beggars. I can’t imagine what the place looks like now.