Pure Skin Hate: Neo-Nazi Costa Ricans Demand Nicaraguan Asylum Seekers Leave the Country

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 18, 2019

Hey hey, ho ho, these Costa Ricans have got to go! Show me what democracy looks like! No border, no wall, no Costa Rica at all! 

Shockingly, Hitler-style hatred for the color of the skin has reached Costa Rica, and neo-Nazi racist skinhead KKK groups are forming to oppress innocent victims from Nicaragua who are simply trying to make a better life for their families.


One year ago, on 18 April 2018, Nicaraguans took to the streets to protest against proposed changes to the country’s social security system.

The protests soon widened into calls for the resignation of President Daniel Ortega, whose government responded with a deadly crackdown. More than 300 people were killed and thousands injured.

Tens of thousands of Nicaraguans have since fled to neighbouring Costa Rica, but as Lisa Louis reports from the capital, San José, not all received the welcome they had hoped for.

Electrical engineering student Henry Obregón joined the anti-government demonstrations in his native Nicaragua when they first started.

“We were asking for more social justice,” he recalls of those early days of protest. “But the government’s response was to arrest, torture or kill lots of us.”

The huge increase in asylum seekers has not gone unnoticed among Costa Ricans and some have taken to the streets in protest.

It’s like Charlottesville all over again.

We must end white supremacy in Costa Rica.

Last August, about 500 marched into Parque de la Merced, a park in San José frequented by Nicaraguans. Waving Costa Rican flags, they shouted “Nicaraguans out” and physically threatened some refugees.

It was Costa Rica’s first anti-foreigner rally in modern times and shattered the reputation the nation of five million had for being open and welcoming to those seeking refuge.

Angela Chamorro, who arrived in Costa Rica from Nicaragua in June, was shocked.

“I don’t understand why they hate us,” she said while sitting on a upturned bucket that doubled as a chair in the tiny house that is her new home.

I’ll tell you why they hate you, Chamorro: it’s because of the color of your skin.

They have an aesthetic distaste for it, so they want to destroy you, in order to defend their ideal image of skin color. There is literally no other possible reason.

This must end.

Someone has to do something.

I called the SPLC for comment on this, as I wondered if they would be suing any of the Costa Ricans for this virulent skin hatred. However, the Jewish staff was too busy raping the black women working there to give a comment.

However, I do assume that that noble organization will be launching a series of lawsuits against the country of Costa Rica to shut down their brutal hatred for the color of the skin once and for all.

Along with the lawsuits, I also assume that the SPLC will send in groups of antifa to smash in the heads of the Costa Ricans with bike locks.

Because violence is the only language that white supremacists understand. You just have to kill them, like that CBS procedural drama show says about how you should kill Richard Spencer.

We must completely wipe out the Costa Rican race, which has no culture or history. Costa Rica is built on slavery and oppression. They benefited financially because of the Holocaust.

Like the SPLC says: the only solution is genocide.

Mark Potok is going to need a new wall chart tracking the ethnic cleansing of Costa Ricans from Costa Rica.

That is the meaning of democracy.