Lee Rogers
Daily Slave
November 14, 2014

The pussy Marxist faggot MSNBC host Chris Hayes has flipped out over the Traditionalist American Knights of the KKK posting fliers in the Ferguson, Missouri area advocating that White people defend themselves against violent Black people. This occurred during an interview he conducted with Frank Ancona, a representative from the American Knights group.
Hayes would try to claim that the KKK is inciting violence when the only people who have been looting, rioting and engaging in violence have been Blacks. So according to Hayes, posting fliers advocating self defense is worse than a bunch of savage Blacks terrorizing people.
After interviewing Ancona, Hayes brought on some uppity Negrress to whine about “racism” and other garbage.
There is no question that Blacks are going to go crazy when the grand jury ruling comes back and determines that police officer Darren Wilson acted in self-defense against Michael Brown. It is basic common sense for White people to be ready to defend themselves against these violent creatures. The only reason Hayes is against this is because he lacks testicles between his legs.
Watch the interview below.