Pussy Riot Liberals Won French Niggers the World Cup, Croats Absolutely Livid

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
July 18, 2018

Just look at the physiognomy of that creature. Grimacing and grinning at the same time like some kind of gollum-like creature.

Russia Insider:

Croatian defender Dejan Lovren has spoken of his anger at protesters claiming to be members of activist group Pussy Riot who stormed the pitch during the World Cup final, blaming them for disrupting the team’s rhythm in the match.

Underdogs Croatia were 2-1 down to France and pushing for an equalizer when four members of the group stormed the pitch in the 52nd minute, forcing a halt in play while stewards attempted to remove the intruders. 

Croatia didn’t want play to be stopped, they were just getting into gear, finding their pace and rhythm.

The nigger team that sources say represented a country known as “France” where presumably French people once lived benefited from the time out though.

While one of the protesters was snapped high-fiving French striker Kylian Mbappe, the member of the crowd to meet Lovren became acquainted with the snarling defender’s fierce tackle – being sent tumbling to the ground and into the hands of security. An irate Lovren then proceeded to shout at the fallen intruder and attempted to drag him towards the touchline.

After the game, which Croatia eventually lost 4-2 thanks to further strikes from teenage sensation Mbappe and Manchester United star Paul Pogba, Lovren expressed his fury at the invasion, which he blamed for upsetting the Croatian team’s rhythm.

“I really was mad because we’d been playing at that moment in good shape,” the 29-year-old Liverpool player said, Mail Online reported. “We’d been playing good football and then some interruption came. I just lost my head and I grabbed the guy and I wished I could throw him away from the stadium.”

These fucking Jewish scum Russian Liberals ruined the World Cup. Well them and the bribed referees that handed the Africans two bullshit penalties.

Just look at the visceral disgust that the Croatian feels at having to touch this homo.

Then watch as the disgust turns to righteous rage.

If he could, I’m sure that he would haul this disgusting creature to an oven.

And let’s be honest, he would be totally justified in doing so. And the people of Russia would thank him for it as well. Shame he had to play a children’s game instead of doing something useful.