Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 1, 2018
Arresting people immediately after releasing them is a lulz move.
Not as lulzy as Duterte’s trick though, which is to release drug addicts from jail in the middle of the night and then coincidentally some guy in a ski mask on a motorcycle shoots them dead on the street. That was an old Davao trick. Now that he’s President, he doesn’t really need to do that trick anymore, he just orders the police or random civilians to kill whoever.
Seriously though – either lock Pussy Riot up forever or deport them to whatever country is paying them to do these cringy hijinks.
Four Pussy Riot protesters have been detained in Moscow within moments of being released from prison following their stunt during the World Cup final in Moscow.
They had been sentenced to 15 days’ detention after they ran onto the pitch at Luzhniki Stadium dressed as police officers during the second half of the final between France and Croatia.
The pitch invasion by members of the punk band early in the second half of the final was a brazen act in front of Russian President Vladimir Putin and other high-ranking officials from around the world.
The judge also banned the four members — Veronika Nikulshina, Olga Pakhtusova, Olga Kurachyova and Pyotr Verzilov, the only male — from attending sports events for three years.
The women in the group were clearly surprised as they walked out of the correctional facility, only to be rearrested by police.
The group’s official Twitter accounted tweeted: “olya’s face when cops are saying her that she’s detained AGAIN.”
Mr Verzilov, who was being held separately, was reportedly also re-arrested.
It was not immediately clear why the group has been detained.
For trying to destroy Russia in the name of a foreign power, perhaps?
You want to talk about collusion.
What the hell is going on with these sluts?
Why were they on House of Cards with Kevin Spacey to boy-fucker?
What kinda of creepy ass weird shit is that?
Who are these sluts?
Sluts deserve worse than jail, I can tell you that.
And our ancestors used to give it to them.
Russia should bring back torture of sluts and stop it with this “oh well, we’re democracy too now tho” bullshit.
The only people in Russia willing to even build death camps for homos are the problematic Chechens.
Kadyrov is okay though.
He had the best answer when they asked him about his death camps for gays: “we can’t put any gays in death camps because there aren’t any gays in Chechnya.”