Putin and Assad Meet in Sochi to Discuss End of Syrian Crisis!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 21, 2017



Russian President Vladimir Putin has met with his Syrian counterpart, Bashar Assad in Sochi where they discussed the political process in Syria. The Russian leader said that the fight against terrorism in the crisis-stricken country is close to completion.

Putin congratulated Assad on the results in the fight against terrorism at a meeting on November 20 in Sochi, where the Syrian president became acquainted with the heads of the Russian military.

The Russian leader discussed the political settlement in Syria with Bashar Assad, saying that he believes it should be under the aegis of the UN, adding that he hopes the international body will take an active part in the process and its final stage.

Assad said that Damascus is interested in the progress of the political solution to the crisis and that the current situation is optimistic in that respect.

He added that he hoped for Russia’s help in ensuring that the Syrians themselves lead the process, with help from the outside, but not “interference.” “We welcome those who are really interested in a political settlement [in Syria], we are ready to have dialogue with them,” Assad said.

Since the start of the Russian operation in Syria in 2015, many areas in the country have been liberated from terrorists, Assad stated. Syrians who had to leave these areas due to the terrorist threat have been able to return home.

Vladimir Putin said that the talks held repeatedly in the Kazakh capital, Astana contributed greatly to the settlement of the conflict. “Due to the Astana talks, we managed to create de-escalation zones, and this, in turn, allowed us to start a real dialogue with the opposition for the first time.”

According to the Russian president, “the problem of terrorism is a global one.” He added that “complete victory over terrorism is still very far away. But as far as our joint fight against terrorists in Syria is concerned, this military operation is really coming to an end.”

Putin said he will meet Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in Sochi on Wednesday to discuss the Syrian crisis. Apart from these countries, Russia is working with Iraq, the US, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan on settling the crisis, he stated. Putin added that on Tuesday he will hold a phone conversation with US President Donald Trump on the topic of Syria.

When we talk about “global terrorism” what we are talking about is “Sunni Islam.”

Approximately zero terrorism is ever done by Shiite Moslems. In fact the only acts of terrorism I’m aware of them ever having done are revenge attacks against Sunnis. They do not run over white people with trucks.

This is a 2011 graph of global terrorist attacks – it’s the same every year basically, except there are not any Nazi one generally (in 2011, Anders Breivik killed 77 people).

But yes: the war is over. Russia won. They are doing clean-up.

You’d think this would be a time for celebration, a time of peace in the Middle East.

ISIS is officially dead.

But nope.

It’s a time for Israel and their Sunnigger henchmen to plan a World War.

The Jews do not take defeat lightly. And they are ready to use Saudi Arabia to attack Iran as they hit Lebanon, thus forcing Russia and presumably America into a bizarre military conflict which is ostensibly over Islamic tribal affairs but is in actuality about global Jewish dominance.

We are all just hoping that Donald Trump has gotten to the point where he can just say “no.”

Because if the US leaves Israel hanging, then Russia and China can back their Shiite allies in a complete takeover of the Middle East. However, that would literally end with Israel being “wiped off the map” – not immediately, but within a decade.

So that is when the Jews are going to pull-out whatever tricks remain in their bag.