Putin and Trump to Talk Tomorrow!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 27, 2017

Not many people know this, but Vladimir Putin actually speaks pretty good English.

Fox News:

President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin are scheduled Saturday to have their first phone call since Trump became president, White House sources told Fox News.

Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters Friday that Putin intends to congratulate Trump on taking office, adding that the two leaders are also “exchange views about main parameters of current bilateral relations.”

The two last spoke when Putin congratulated Trump on his presidential election victory.

The Kremlin has applauded Trump’s promises to mend ties with Moscow, which have plunged to post-Cold War lows over the Ukrainian crisis, the war in Syria and allegations of Russian meddling in the U.S. elections. Russian officials and lawmakers have warned, however, that rebuilding ravaged ties will take time.

Everything is going exactly according to plan.