Putin Calls for Apology from Fat, Sloppy, Drunken Potato Nigger Over “Killer” Claim

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 6, 2017

In fairness, O’Reilly should also be given the opportunity to prove his statement. If he has evidence Putin killed someone, then come out with it.

If no evidence is forthcoming, I think Putin should file a defamation lawsuit against Fox News and Lucky Charms. You can’t just go around accusing people of being murderers without any evidence.


Moscow expects an apology from Fox News after host Bill O’Reilly called Russian President Vladimir Putin “a killer.” The controversial term was used to question Donald Trump’s intention to work more closely with Russia.

“We consider the words of the Fox News host unacceptable and insulting,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday. “We would prefer to receive an apology to the Russian president from a respected TV station like that.”

O’Reilly labeled Putin “a killer” during an interview with US President Donald Trump, in which they discussed the Republican’s numerous statements on his willingness to work with Russia to jointly deal with issues such as terrorism.

Trump shrugged off the comment, saying: “There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country is so innocent?”

Trump did not name specific US officials or officials among Washington’s allies as killers, but mentioned the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 as an example of why he did not consider America to be innocent, saying that “a lot of people were killed” there.

The US president’s remarks sparked anger among many figures in the American establishment, who have criticized him for seemingly putting the US on the same moral ground as Russia.

This “moral equivalence” talk is utter nonsense. They are saying that the US is “exceptional,” so nothing the government does can ever be judged, while Russia should be blamed for things it never even did, stuff that’s just made up.

And okay, I can see how that would be a good policy if you had a government that represented the people. I generally agree with the concept of “nothing we do is wrong” when we are talking about us, the people. But our country has been ruled by a Zionist Occupation Government for decades on end, and virtually everything it’s done has been wrong.

That is why you have kikes like Jake Tapper and shabbos goy like Ben Sasse out there saying nothing the government does is wrong, while at the same time criticizing the new government – the TRUMPMERICAN government – as wrong and evil.