Putin May Restore the Romanovs as Royal Family of Russia

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 1, 2015

Tsar Nicholas II with his cousin King George V
Tsar Nicholas II with his cousin King George V

In a shocking but not surprising development, it appears that Vladimir Putin may be moving to restore the title of Tsar to the descendent of the Romanov Monarchy which was deposed by Jew communists.

A lawmaker in St. Petersburg has begun the discussion and is moving forward on the project, and there is much speculation that he is doing so with the blessing of Putin.

Given all that Putin has done restoring the Church, this would be a completely natural next step towards the restoration of Russia.


In letters to Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna Romanova in Spain and Prince Dmitry Romanovich Romanov in Denmark, both of whom claim to be the head of the house of Romanov, regional lawmaker Vladimir Petrov argued that the “return of the descendants of the last Russian autocrat to their historical homeland would help smooth out the political contradictions inside the country, which have been left over from the moment of the [Bolshevik] October revolution, and would become a symbol of restoring the spiritual might of Russia’s people,” Izvestia reported Tuesday.

“At the present time, a difficult process is under way in restoring Russia’s might and of returning its international influence,” Petrov said in the letter, Izvestia reported. “I am certain that during such an important historical moment, members of the Romanov imperial house cannot remain aside from the processes that are going on in Russia.”

The lawmaker also proposed designating a tsarist-era palace outside St. Petersburg or in Crimea as the Romanovs’ official residence, adding that his local legislature plans to draft a bill granting a “special status” to the royal family’s descendants, the report said.

Claims of Russia’s revival, spiritual might and resumed international influence have become common themes in Moscow’s rhetoric after the annexation of Crimea from Ukraine last year, and amid Western economic and political sanctions that followed.

A spokesman for the Romanov family, Alexander Zakatov, said Romanova is willing to move to Russia and has no claims on any property or political power, but wants the status of the imperial house as part of Russia’s “historical heritage” recognized by law, Izvestia reported.

It would be fantastic and glorious indeed if this were to take place. The symbolism of it could not be understated. The fall of the Romanovs could be considered the birth date of the new era of modern Jew rule, as it was the first place wherein they installed their Jew system of Marxist communism over a White nation. Now, of course, we are all ruled by Jew Marxism.

Prince Dmitry Romanovich Romanov
Prince Dmitry Romanovich Romanov
Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna
Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna

The monarchies of our nations used to be a point of greatest pride. Now, there would be little ruling for a monarchy to do, but surely they could serve as a spiritual guide for the nation, a manifest symbol of divine rights, as the position of a Monarch is determined not by man but by God Himself. This would further clarify the contrast between the godless and material decadent West and the traditional and spiritually-driven Russia.

It would be truly glorious if Putin were to endorse this endeavor and put a crown on the head of the true heir to the throne of the Russian empire.