Putin Meets with the Pope to Discuss Venezuela and the Ukraine

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 5, 2019

Vladimir Putin met yesterday with Pope Francis, also known as the Anti-Pope and Pope Faggot.

Apparently, he wants this gay sonovabitch to lend a hand on some issues. But I don’t think he will. Venezuela isn’t going to stop being Catholic because they have a war, so it isn’t any concern of Pope Faggot’s.

Furthermore, Pope Faggot has supported a total invasion of white countries by brown people, probably especially a Latin American Catholic invasion of Protestant America. And a war in Venezuela would send millions or tens of millions of these “folks” into the US.

New York Post:

Authoritarian Russian President Vladimir Putin and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio have things in common: Both men have met Pope Francis, and both seem to have trouble showing up for important meetings on time.

According to reports, Putin had his third meeting with His Holiness on the Fourth of July — and was late for the third time in a row, this time by 45 minutes.

For their first meeting in November 2013, Putin showed up with his dad in tow and 50 minutes late. For their second meeting, in June 2015, the Russian leader was more than an hour late, BBC News Russian Service reports.

Putin has a chronic problem with lateness, according to reports.

In his latest, Putin and the pontiff met for an hour and discussed topics of international concern — namely the ongoing situations in war-torn Syria and Venezuela.

Putin said in an interview published in Corriere della Sera that “we have a special relationship, tested by time, with Italy,” and he welcomed the populist government’s position that EU sanctions against Russia should be lifted.

The Russian president, on his first visit to Italy in four years, said in written responses to the Milan daily that Moscow didn’t want to extend countermeasures against European Union sanctions to Italy, but that it couldn’t react selectively within the World Trade Organization.

Putin said economic relations with Italy, Russia’s fifth-largest trading partner, are expanding despite the sanctions, growing by 12.7% in 2018 to $26.9 billion. Italian investments in Russia so far this year have reached $4.7 billion, while Russian investments in Italy in the same period were $2.7 billion.

Putin, who arrived in Rome in the late morning, opened the visit at the Vatican, where some observers believe his meeting could be a prelude to a papal visit to Russia. No pope has ever set foot in Russia, but Putin’s foreign affairs adviser said the issue wasn’t on the agenda for the visit.

The meeting comes the day before Catholic leaders from Ukraine gather at the Holy See to discuss the continuing conflict there and the fallout from the schism between the Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox churches. The Vatican said the aim is to lend support “in the delicate situation in which Ukraine finds itself.”

Last year, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine formally split from the Russian Orthodox Church in a schism recognized by the spiritual leader of the world’s Orthodox Christians. The push for a full-fledged and independent Ukrainian Orthodox Church was bolstered by fighting in eastern Ukraine between government forces and Russia-backed rebels.

I don’t understand what Pope Faggot could do about the Ukrainian church. The Holy See itself is considered to be heretical by all Orthodox Churches. But I guess the Ukraine is a large percentage Catholic, so maybe they care what this homosexual overlord has to say about their issues.

Anyway, he’s not going to help Putin.

Putin knows that. He just goes to these meetings for the photo-op, so he’s seen as a normal world leader while the Western tabloid media, such as the New York Post, is decrying him as a chronically tardy “authoritarian” without qualifying what exactly that term implies in this context.