Putin Mocks Global Warming Fag Whiners: “Now Any Bad Weather Can be Blamed on American Imperialism”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 2, 2017

Does the Russian media purposefully take pictures that make it look like Putin is wearing a Saint’s halo? Or is it meme magic?

We don’t know what’s going on with Trump.

Putin surely knows more than we do, because he has a massive spy machine. The second biggest in the world, probably.

So him having Trump’s back – even in jest – is something I’m willing to take as a good sign.

Although maybe he just wants to mock these whining global warming faggots.


Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for calm in the wake of Donald Trump’s decision to pull the US out of the Paris Agreement, joking that any bad weather encountered around the globe could now be blamed on ‘American imperialism’.

Speaking at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), the Russian president said the panic surrounding Trump’s decision has been blown way out of proportion, noting that there is still time before the agreement, which was signed in 2015, goes into effect.

“Don’t worry, be happy,” Putin said in English.

“This agreement [the Paris Agreement on climate change] has not yet even come in effect. It will come into effect in 2021. So we still have time. If we all work constructively, we can agree on something,” he said.

“The United States has ratified [this agreement], as I recall, but we [Russia] have not yet,” he added. “We haven’t done this because we want to wait until when the rules of allocation of resources, and other technical – but important – issues, are ironed out.”

The UN does not care about the environment.

None of these globalist groups do.

As I’ve explained, it’s just a plot to deindustralize the West as a means of transferring wealth to the third world, as part of the great equalization that will result in a borderless, raceless world.

If they cared about the environment, they would have the primary goal of reducing the population of the third world. Instead, they say white people should quit breeding.

They do nothing about the rainforests in South America and Southeast Asia being slash-and-burned, when all they would have to do is give a very small amount of money to the governments of these countries to get them to stop poor people from doing this.

The entirety of Borneo has been clearcut by poor people who have existences which serve literally no purpose at all, and who could have been easily exterminated by a race-specific virus.

They are doing virtually nothing to protect biodiversity in Africa or anywhere else in the third world.

Instead, all environmentalism has been focused on this global warming carbon emissions hoax, which is the microaggressions of environmentalism.

The fact is, the core driver of changes in the earth’s climate is fluctuation in the heat output of the sun.

The only thing humans do that effects it just a tiny bit is build concrete and asphalt areas that prevent the soil from absorbing heat, and thus retaining it in the environment.

Also, no one really knows what deforestation is doing – because no one cares to investigate it, because finding out about that wouldn’t serve a globalist agenda, and in fact would serve the white supremacist agenda of using race-specific viruses to wipe out billions of worthless third world monkeys.