Putin Now More Popular Than Merkel in Czech Republic

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 28, 2016


Eastern Europe is rapidly working through its daddy issues with Russia in the face of the rising tide of brown genetic sludge being dumped on Europe by the childless granny Angela Merkel.

She’s opened the sewers of the planet and poured out the vile ooze within onto the heads of the European people.


Actual turds with limbs, crawling around on your streets, demanding to be fed, housed, clothed and sexed.

And she’s laughing about it.


Vladimir Putin’s popularity in the Czech Republic has surged and could now be higher than that of Angela Merkel, who has seen steadily falling ratings, German mass media report, referring to data from recent opinion polls.

Die Welt newspaper reported that just a year ago more than 70 percent of Czechs said they trusted the German chancellor. But a recent poll conducted in connection with Merkel’s ongoing visit to the republic showed that the level of support has plunged to just 18 percent.

The outlet noted that Czechs’ attitude to Russian President Vladimir Putin could now be better than towards Merkel.

Die Welt writes that this is surprising given the recent history of Russian-Czech relations and the forthcoming anniversary of the events of the so-called Prague Spring– the Soviet invasion in then-Czechoslovakia in 1968 that stopped an attempt to bring about liberal reforms.

Die Welt said the main reason for the German leader’s declining popularity could lie in Merkel’s “hospitality policy” leading to an influx of refugees to Europe from the Middle East and Africa. Another reason could be in the rhetoric used by Czech President Milos Zeman, who has relentlessly pointed out that the migration policy pursued by Germany and the EU as a whole is a mistake.

Earlier this week, the Czech president told a group of diplomats that he was against the economic sanctions imposed on Russia by Western nations, adding that the experience of the US embargo on Cuba had proved that such measures are ineffective.

It’s time to come home, Slavic man.

All is forgiven and all is forgotten.

Your Russian brothers await you with open arms.


You don’t have to be excited about it.

You just have to realize what the alternative is.

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