Putin Reacts to Sanctions, Tells US to Cut Diplomatic Staff

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 31, 2017

tfw we hoped Trump was going to stop these kikes sooner

What kind of a democracy is it that when you elect someone to be your President, he is thwarted at every turn by a bunch of people you hate?

It is sickening to me that Trump lobbied against these sanctions, but had no ability to stop them.

Trump is the one we voted for. Okay, we checked boxes for the rest of these people (I actually didn’t personally, but I know most people did), but we wanted the agenda of Donald Trump.

We did not want this stupid endless war Jew agenda.

USA Today:

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Sunday that the United States will have to cut its diplomatic staff in Russia by 755 by Sept. 1 in response to expanded U.S. sanctions.

The Russian Foreign Ministry had announced Friday that it was ordering the U.S. Embassy to reduce the number of embassy and consular employees in the country to 455. Putin on Sunday confirmed the number in an interview on state TV.

“We had hoped that the situation will somehow change, but apparently if it changes, it won’t be soon,” Putin told Rossiya 1, explaining why Moscow decided to retaliate. “I thought it was the time to show that we’re not going to leave it without an answer.”


We had hoped so too.

The cuts would make the diplomatic missions in the U.S. and Moscow the same size, he said.

The Senate voted Thursday 98-2 to approve a new package of tougher financial sanctions against Russia, Iran and North Korea. The main goal of the legislation was to punish Moscow for meddling in the 2016 presidential election and for its military aggression in Ukraine and Syria.

Do you ever notice how rarely we get polls that have anything to do with Russia?

Like, virtually never.

I can’t even remember the last one.

I think that even Democrats are way sick of this Russia stuff. Mostly, they just care about trannies in the first place.

This is the most obvious of all cases of our government acting against both the will and the interests of the people. When you add that this time, they are also acting against the President himself, we get a glimpse into just how mad this Jew agenda against Russia actually is.

All of us just want to fight the culture war.

But we’re not going to be able to fight a culture war if we’re in a IRL war.

The “2” in That “98-2”

The two who voted against the sanctions were Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul.

I don’t like either of those people, but credit where credit is due, they do appear to be the only two people in the Senate with principles.

So – slow clap.

It sort of maybe kinda sorta gives Paul an excuse to have done that whole thing with the Obamacare repeal.

If he really is that hardcore.

But he actually went through with it in the end. Because it was such a basic repeal.

It was only McCain’s tumor that blocked it.