Putin Says He Didn’t do the DNC Hack, But Thinks It’s Lols

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 2, 2016


The “Vladimir Putin is the force behind Donald Trump” narrative is the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen.

I never would have expected them to go this deep into kookery. Especially given that no one really cares about Russia, or even thinks about it. Hillary has like, cold war spy novelists writing her statements and speeches.

She would have done better to claim that someone people have thought about in the last 20 years was behind Trump.

Like, that he was controlled by ISIS. Or that Osama bin Laden’s brain had been put in a robot that is calling the shots for Trump.

1337 russian haxor adOr the Saudis. Then should could be like “the same people who did 911 are behind Trump” instead of “the same people who allowed Crimea to join their union after a popular vote of independence in the territory are behind Trump.”

The response to her claims about Russia from the general public is just “huh? Russia? You mean like, that country from the 80’s?”

I mean, if the hack was done through email phishing – as appears to be the case – you could blame it on literally anyone.

LA Times:

Russian President Vladimir Putin praised the hacks of Democratic National Committee files during this election season but denied the widely held suspicion that his nation was behind the espionage.

“Listen, does it even matter who hacked this data?’’ Putin told Bloomberg News on Thursday. “The important thing is the content that was given to the public.”

Putin repeatedly insisted that his nation had nothing to the do with the matter. “We definitely don’t do this at a state level,” Putin said.

The U.S. presidential nominees have vastly differing approaches to confronting an increasingly aggressive Russia. Donald Trump has repeatedly praised Putin, while Hillary Clinton has argued that he is a dangerous force for upheaval in eastern Europe.

The US government/Hillary Clinton argument, of course, is that the public shouldn’t have information about the way the government/Hillary Clinton is screwing them through mass fraud and abuse.

The defense of this position is just all “yeah but Russia is evil tho.”