Putin Says Kursk Invasion Failed, Time for Peace Talks

The stated goal of the Ukraine invasion of Kursk was to pull Russian troops off of the frontline. (They’ve now changed that to “building a buffer,” but no one even knows what that means.)

Russian troops have not been pulled from the frontlines and in fact the frontlines are collapsing in part because the Ukraine pulled troops from their own front and sent them to invade Russia.

Russia is now cleaning up Kursk and killing all of these invaders, and this thing the Ukraine did has turned into the worst decision in all of history (outside of maybe Elon Musk’s decision to change the name of Twitter to “X”).


Ukraine’s incursion in Russia’s Kursk Region was intended to halt the advance of Moscow’s forces in Donbass but the move has failed to achieve this goal, President Vladimir Putin said on Monday.

He stated that Russia has been making great strides in key areas of Donbass, advancing at a pace that has not been seen in a “long time.”

“The Russian armed forces are taking control of territories not by 200, 300 meters at a time, but by square kilometers,” Putin said.

The president added that Kiev’s provocation in Kursk Region would inevitably fail and that Moscow would “deal with the Ukrainian bandits” who have entered Russian territory with the aim of destabilizing the situation at the border.

After that, Putin suggested, Kiev may come to realize that it needs to resolve the conflict through negotiations, and reiterated that Moscow has never refused to hold such talks.

This guy does nothing but call for peace.

However, the president noted that the Ukrainian leadership was likely not interested in ending the fighting, given that it would have to hold new presidential elections as soon as martial law in the country was lifted.

“The current authorities are clearly not ready for this, they have little chance of being re-elected,” Putin said. “That is why they are not interested in ending the fighting, that is why they tried to carry out this provocation in Kursk Region, and before when they tried to carry out the same operation in Belgorod Region.”

That’s part of it, I’m sure.

Though it’s also the fact that the US is pushing these people to keep doing this, and continuing to pay the (mostly Jewish) Ukrainian leaders billions of dollars to send their people into a slaughter.