Putin Says Trump is Smart and Implies He’ll do a Good Job

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 5, 2016


What a world we live in now.

How different it is, this brave new world that has such people in it.


Donald Trump’s business success means that he’s is a smart man who will quickly adapt to his new role as president, Russian Vladimir Putin said.

“The fact that Trump managed to achieve success in business, suggests that he is a smart man,” Putin said in an interview with Russia’s NTV channel. 

“And as he is smart, that means he will fully and quite quickly be aware of a different level of responsibility. We assume that he will be acting this way,” he added.

Vladimir Putin also touched upon the current geopolitical situation, saying that he could see it changing, as attempts to establish a unipolar world have failed.

“I believe that it is not a secret, everyone can see, that many of our partners prefer to refer to the principles of the international law, because the balance of power in the world is gradually being restored,” he said.

“But this is inevitable! Attempts to create a unipolar world have not succeeded. We are living in a different dimension. Russia has always held this point of view – that, while protecting our national interests, we must respect the interests of other countries. So, this is the way we establish relations with other countries.”

No, the whole “unipolar” thing def did not work out.

Although to be fair, I blame the Jews for that.