Putin Slams Fake News Peddlers as Worse Than Whores

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 17, 2017

It is so, so beautiful that the media and ZOG spent all of this energy on this “fake news” meme, and it has just been redirected straight back at them.

This was their big play to try and shut down free speech on the internet – or at least to widely censor and no-platform people spreading an alternative view to the mainstream narrative – and it has been lobbed right back at them and blown up in their faces.


Russian President Vladimir Putin said he has no grounds to attack or protect US President-elect Donald Trump, since he does not know him personally. He still said that those behind the recent leaks on Trump have “no moral scruples.”

“I don’t know Mr. Trump personally, I have never met him and don’t know what he will do on the international arena. So I have no grounds to attack him or criticize him for anything, or protect him or whatever,” Putin said.

Despite the fact that elections in the US are over and ended with a “solid win” for the Republican candidate, an intense political struggle continues in the US, the Russian president observed, adding that there are certain forces that aim “to undermine the legitimacy of the president-elect.”

“I have an impression they practiced in Kiev and are ready to organize a Maidan in Washington, just to not let Trump take office,” Putin said, apparently referring to anti-government protests in the Ukrainian capital in 2014, which resulted in the leadership being ousted.

Those anti-Trump forces in the US also want to “bind hand and foot” of the newly elected leader, Putin added, saying that this way they want to interfere with Trump’s both domestic and international policies outlined in his presidential campaign.

By doing so, these forces “severely harm US’ interests,” Putin said.

The campaign to discredit the president-elect shows that certain “political elites in the West, including in the US,” have “significantly” worsened, according to the Russian president.

“Prostitution is an ugly social phenomenon,” he told reporters, adding that people who stand behind “fabrications” that are now used against Trump “are worse than prostitutes.”

“They have no moral scruples,” he said.

Comparing the campaign against Trump to the Maidan in the Ukraine is hardcore.

As we know, that was organized by Jew Soros and a bunch of neo-con Jews at the State Department. So he is effectively saying that Jews within the US government may be planning to stage a coup against Trump.

It is also highly interesting that Putin chooses now to come out and be vocal in supporting Trump against his domestic enemies. This coincides with Trump seeming to feel unchained, going on the full-offensive against the intelligence agencies, NATO and even the blacks.

It appears that he feels comfortable enough in these last few days before the inauguration to go full-on, and that Putin is picking up on that and backing him up. Obviously, a couple weeks ago the anti-Trump forces could have used support from Putin against him.

But now, things have changed.

It isn’t clear how they’ve changed, but I believe it is somehow related to a coup inside of the intelligence agencies, which has something directly to do with the #Pissgate dossier.

Whatever the case, there’s a lot to feel good about today.

But remember – we’re not out of the woods yet.

Jewish groups were planning a terrorist attack on inauguration day. One group has been caught, but it is quite possible that there are others who have not been caught. Putin’s comment on the Maidan could relate to intelligence he has about such plots.