Putin Speaks on Alleged Assad Chemical Gas Attack in Syria, Asking for Evidence

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 10, 2017

Putin spoke today on the alleged chemical gas attack in Syria, and questioned the claims of the US that Assad was in fact responsible. He said that if the US has evidence, they need to present it, because “secret evidence” is no evidence at all.

Oh wait.


This clip is from 2013 – the last time the US accused Assad of a gas attack and said they had secret evidence proving it was real.

That time, of course, it turned out to be totally fake.

The good news is, this time around, President Trump has made it 100% clear he will be staying the hell out of Syria, because the rebels are just as bad as Assad anyway, and we don’t need to spend billions of dollars and untold numbers of American lives on some stupid desert nonsense.

He also noted that he can’t possibly start bombing without congressional approval.

So, I guess we don’t have to worry about this latest fake gas attack escalating into –

Oh wait.


Those tweets from Trump are also from 2013.

Here’s the latest.