Putin’s Popularity Rising Rapidly with Republicans

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 16, 2016

So, while the fake news agenda of controversial websites such as the New York Times is focused on spreading malicious lies about the leader of Russia, Czar Vlad I, Republicans are quickly warming up to him.

According to a recent YouGov poll, Putin’s favorability rating among Republicans has risen 56 percentage points since July 2014.

Clearly, this is mainly due to Donald Trump speaking well of the Russian. However, it is at least partly due to the non-stop attacks on him by the Jewish media. Basically, these filthy lying Jew journalists have put themselves in a position where they are so hated by the people, that people will actually begin to support things simply because the media attacks them.

That is truly an incredible state of things.

And you know that when they hear the media saying Putin did Wikileaks, if they actually do believe it, they are saying “good.”


The media having such open hostility to the people is in itself an incredible state of things. The mask came all the way off during the election, and I don’t think there is any way they can possibly regain confidence from the majority of the white population.

So at this point, when I see them attacking things, I’m like “yeah, good.”

We should consider this when we see them attacking the Alt-Right. People know that they lie about everything now. And they know that they hate all that is good. So we should be cheering when we see them calling us names. They are doing our work for us – not simply increasing our name-recognition, but actually making us look good by denouncing us, given this “the opposite of what they say is true” phenomenon that the general public has come to understand.