Qatar Accuses West of Racism for Questioning Their Honor

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 5, 2015

Qatar is an amazing country, made great by the deep and vast ingenuity of the Arab race.
Qatar is an amazing country, made great by the deep and vast ingenuity of the Arab race.

The evil desert monkeys of Qatar showed a complete lack of understanding of the Western mind when they assumed they would be cool with using slave laborers to build the infrastructure for the 2022 FIFA event they were awarded through bribery.


The FBI’s investigation of bribery and corruption at FIFA includes scrutiny of how soccer’s governing body awarded World Cup hosting rights to Russia and Qatar, a U.S. law enforcement official said.

Russia and Qatar have denied wrongdoing in the conduct of their bids for the 2018 and 2022 tournaments, which were not the subject of charges announced by U.S. prosecutors a week ago against FIFA officials that stunned world soccer.

The U.S. law enforcement official, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity, said the review of the bids would be part of a probe that goes beyond the indictments. Among issues the FBI is examining is the stewardship of FIFA by longtime president Sepp Blatter, who unexpectedly announced on Tuesday he was resigning shortly before it emerged that he too was under investigation by U.S. law enforcement.

Authorities said last week they were investigating a case of $150 million paid in bribes over two decades, while Swiss prosecutors announced their own criminal inquiry into the 2018 and 2022 bids.

Like a mechanical virus designed by an advanced alien civilization, they are quickly learning the ways of Whitey. Their response to an FBI investigation into why they were awarded the Cup was clear and intelligent: “das rassiss dawg.”


Qatar said on Wednesday there was no way it would be stripped of the right to host the World Cup despite the corruption scandal surrounding FIFA, dismissing a “bashing campaign” of criticism of its 2022 bid as anti-Arab prejudice.

Foreign Minister Khaled al-Attiyah said Qatar would one day show “who is behind this campaign against Qatar”, suggesting the country was being unfairly targeted over allegations of graft in the vote that won it the Cup, and of abuse of migrant workers.

“It is very difficult for some to digest that an Arab Islamic country has this tournament, as if this right can’t be for an Arab state,” he told Reuters in an interview in Paris a day after Sepp Blatter’s resignation as FIFA president.

“I believe it is because of prejudice and racism that we have this bashing campaign against Qatar,” he added.

You see, goyim. By questioning their methods, you are disrespecting their traditional culture. Just as rape, murder and rioting are an intrinsic aspect of African American culture, using Bangladeshi slaves whose lives are viewed as completely disposable to build massive infrastructure projects designed by German engineers is part of the unique heritage of Arab oil tycoons.

The decision to host the cup in Qatar drew particular notice because the country is far smaller than any other that has hosted a soccer World Cup, has little domestic soccer tradition and is subject to extreme heat in the summer when the tournament is traditionally played. Domestic leagues around the world and broadcasters will have to rip up their schedules if the cup is played in cooler months.

Most of Qatar’s workforce is made up of foreign migrant labourers, and international human rights groups have raised questions about the treatment of those employed to build World Cup venues. Qatar denies workers are mistreated and says it has improved its safeguards since winning the right to host the cup.

When asked if Qatar could lose the right to host the tournament, Al-Attiyah said: “No way Qatar can be stripped (of it). We are confident of the procedures and deserve to win it because we presented the best file.”

He also said Qatar would be able to prove it had done no wrong when the time came.

Attiyah’s comments echoed a mood of exasperation and defiance in Doha, where a feeling that Qatar was being made a scapegoat has only deepened with Blatter’s resignation.

“They’re being racist in every sense of the word,” Majid Khulaifi, editor of Estad al-Doha newspaper, said on his Twitter account.

“The West should know that if it belittles Qatar and its right to organise (the cup), it’s belittling every single Arab state.”

Well, that part is definitely true. Corruption and slavery are a big part of all Arab cultures, so if the West decides to do a hatred on these people, they are effectively condemning the entire Arab world.

Sponsors have made little secret that they would rather the cup were held elsewhere. Andrew Woodward, sports marketing consultant and former global lead of Visa Inc’s brand and sponsorship communication, said Qatar’s 2022 event was a “a disaster on so many fronts”.

“The public, media, football family and sponsors will demand action. There are the serious questions about the bidding process; the venue construction programme is killing many workers and the integrity of the game is at stake with poor scheduling and a way less than optimal player and spectator experience.”

Yeah, the fact that this was ever able to go through in the first place is incredible. No one thinks any aspect of it makes sense. It is clearly just about Qatar being able to say “see Whitey, we’re as good as you. We soccer now.”

As such, the response of “das rassiss” makes a lot of sense, as these Arabs feel they are being denied the right to demonstrate their greatness to the world.

It was hard work building the Gulf states.  First they had to listen to White people explaining to them what oil was, then they had to site in meetings hearing about how much money they were going to receive for it.
It was hard work building the Gulf states. First they had to listen to White people explaining to them what oil was, then they had to site in meetings hearing about how much money they were going to receive for it.

Qatar, like all Gulf states, is a ridiculous puppet government of the Western oil powers.  These people are literally stupider than Blacks.  They were living in caves, riding around on camels waving curved swords at each other when Whitey showed up and started handing out cash.  They are absolutely no different than they were a hundred years ago. Anyone who has ever been around any of these people understands what a sick joke it is that they have this amount of money to throw around.

They are purely materialistic beings, and they have become obsessed with proving their greatness to the rest of the world.  However, they are too stupid to know how to do anything other than throw around wads of cash which they’ve been given for no reason other than that their caves were atop land which had oil underneath it.

This just in: game over, monkey.
This just in via magic electronic machine: game over, monkey.

If they have this Cup stripped from them – and they almost certainly will, as it is clearly through bribery that they got it awarded to them, and there are obviously going to be more investigations into the slave labor they are using to build the infrastructure – the same slave labor they used to build the entire Gulf – it will be a major victory for the West, a major defeat for the sickness that is the Arabian race.

Because it will show them for what they are: a bunch of stupid, evil apes who have absolutely no place in a civilized world.