Queen Ann Joins Support Base of Daily Stormer!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 23, 2017

Ann Coulter has effectively endorsed the Daily Stormer’s fight for free speech by retweeting a tweet from “Tolerant Fellow” noting that the Daily Stormer was banned from Cloudflare while ISIS is allowed to stay.

This is not quite as far as Julian Assange went in tweeting out an actual Daily Stormer support article, nor as far as Tucker Carlson went in twice doing segments on the wrongness of our having been banned from the internet. It is not as far as David French in the National Review went, by writing an article about how banning Daily Stormer opens up the door to ban so many other sites.

However it is much further than Alex Jones, Stefan Molyneux and Mark Dice have gone – all three of them have remained entirely silent on the issue.

And here’s a thing – of the five interview shows Molyneux has done since the Charlottesville event, four of them have been with nonwhites.



I say this not as some kind of racist extremist kook who says “NEVER TALK TO THE DARKIES!!!” but as a long-time Molyneux viewer who is well aware that 80% of his guests are not usually colored people. If you went back and did an average – just a rough estimate here – I’d say that over the last year, 85% of his guests have been white.

For example, if you go back, in the month before Charlottesville, eleven out of thirteen (85%) of the interview shows he did were with whites (and one of the nonwhites was the Jew Ezra Levant, who looks huwhite to Jared Taylor).


So if 80% brown people since Charlottesville is a coincidence, it’s a weird one.

My point here: we seem to have a pulling apart process taking place, where people on the right are either going forward or pulling back.

Assange is going forward, Ann is going forward. I’m sorry to say that it looks as though Molyneux is pulling back.

Not Saying Ann is a Nazi

To be clear, I am not implying Ann sympathizes with my ideas, I am simply saying that she is showing support for free speech, which is all I am asking here – and something which I would have hoped everyone would have been able to give.

This is far, far my important than any specific idea or discussion. Because if the speech ends – and they are trying to end it – it means that there will be no more discussion.