Queen Bitch Merkel Jumps into “Fake News” Hysteria

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 23, 2016


Modern Germany is just a complete rip-off of the US.

So it’s no surprise that after the entire American establishment has railed against “fake news” for the last two weeks, Merkel has jumped in and repeated this gibberish.

And demanded everything be shut down.

Washington Post:

The chancellor, who announced on Sunday that she will seek a fourth term in Germany’s election next year, also said the impact of the internet on media shouldn’t be underestimated, noting that “today fake sites, bots and trolls can warp opinion” and that websites’ algorithms can amplify opinions.

“We have to learn to deal with this,” she said. The phenomenon could be “an interesting question” for Parliament, she added, praising her ministers’ efforts to combat online hate speech.

For those who haven’t been paying attention, 48 hours or so after Hillary lost, the media came out and said she lost because of “fake news” on Facebook. Two days ago, the Chief Monkey Barack Obama came out and said fake news was causing global warming.

What they are doing is taking the actual phenomenon of fake news stories – which are just clickbait, designed to drive advertising revenue – and claiming that all right wing sites are part of this phenomenon.

Melissa Zimdars, a media professor at Merrimack College in Massachusetts, released a list of 130 websites she claimed were “fake news,” and along with real fake news sites (if you will) such as “Abcnews.com.co” (a site designed to look like abcnews.com, containing made-up stories), she included Breitbart.com, ZeroHedge.com, Infowars.com, ProjectVeritas.com and even Erick Erickson’s RedState.com.


Melissa Zimdars – authority on “what is reality?”

This Zimdars list is now being tossed around as a definitive compilation of fake news, and being used to lobby Google and Facebook to completely block links to these sites.

In Germany, the government will use this list (or a modification of it) to straight-up ban access to the sites, I’m certain.

If Merkel remains, that is.