Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 9, 2015

The world’s top terrorist-enabler, the Beast who is Destroyer of Nations, Angela Merkel, has won Time Magazine’s “Person of the Year” (formerly “Man of the Year”).
Though I and most of the rest of the free (non-Moslem) world hate Angela Merkel with a deep passion, she probably deserved the title. Because this title is not awarded to the “best” person, but to the most influential. And it would be hard to find a single individual in history who has been more influential than Angela Merkel.
This woman has, single-handedly, reshaped the entire landscape of the European continent by unilaterally acting to facilitate the invasion of Europe by millions (actually millions) of people from a corrosive culture. This act was made possible only in this age of technology, but nonetheless, it is incomparable to any other act ever in the history of the world.
The result of this act will be open race war on the streets of Europe. That is entirely inevitable at this point. And in fact, this race war has already begun.
The Anti-Merkel
The other viable candidate for “Person of the Year” was Donald Trump, who is in many ways the diametric opposite of Angela Merkel.
I told you @TIME Magazine would never pick me as person of the year despite being the big favorite They picked person who is ruining Germany
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 9, 2015
Merkel is a force of death, a bringer of destruction. She has unleashed hell.
Trump, on the other hand, represents regeneration and a chance at redemption for the lost tribes of Europa. He is a creative force. Regardless of what happens with his Presidential candidacy, he is opening up the realm of Western thought to the idea that we, as European men, not only have a right to exist (a proposal Merkel flatly denies), but indeed, that we have a right to be glorious (a thought that will get you arrested in Merkel’s Germany).
The Future Does Not Exist Yet
We must remember that the future remains unwritten.

Merkel and Trump are symbols of potential futures. The White race is at a crossroads. We can destroy ourselves with guilt and shame, or we can be reborn as the phoenix, dig ourselves out of this grave, and rise like fire to become what we were always destined to become.
The choice is ours. No one will make it for us.