Queen Cersei Shows What Happens When You Refuse to Suck Harvey Weinstein’s Dick

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 18, 2017

Cersi Lannister shows us that no one is necessarily obligated to suck on Harvey Weinstein’s dick. She also shows us why so many women chose to go ahead and do it.

The first thing you’ll note is that you wouldn’t know who “Lena Heady” was, if the headline had that name in it.

Rolling Stone:

Game of Thrones star Lena Headey added her name to the growing roster of famous actresses coming forward about their alleged encounters with disgraced producer Harvey Weinstein.

In a series of tweets Tuesday, the British actress detailed two instances wherein she says Weinstein sexually harassed her, leading her to ultimately break down in tears while leaving an L.A. hotel.

“The first time I met Harvey Weinstein was at The Venice Film Festival,” she began her statement, noting that she was in town to promote The Brothers Grimm, a 2005 fantasy film directed by Terry Gilliam and starring Matt Damon, the late Heath Ledger and Headey. “At one point Harvey asked me to take a walk down to the water. I walked down with him and he stopped and made some suggestive comment, a gesture, I just laughed it off, I was genuinely shocked, I remember thinking, it’s got to be a joke, I said something like … oh come on mate?! It’d be like kissing my dad!

Headey added that she suggested the pair return to the festival and grab a drink. She then tucked the incident into the back of her mind, though she pointed out that she was “never in any other Miramax film.”  (The Brothers Grimm was co-produced by Dimension Films, a film production company owned by The Weinstein Company.)

“The next time was in LA. Years later,” she continued. “I had always carried the thought that he’d never try anything with me again, not after I’d laughed and said never in a million years. I believed that he respected my boundary and maybe he wanted to talk about potential work.”

The actress said the pair met for breakfast at a hotel where Weinstein was staying, and the conversation started off innocently enough, with the main topic of conversation being “films, film making.” Then, however, Weinstein tried to ask Headey about her love life. “I shifted the conversation back to something less personal,” she wrote.

The mogul next suggested that the pair head up to his room, where he had a script he wanted to show her. This, Headey recounted, was when her senses picked up.

“We walked to the lift and the energy shifted, my whole body went into high alert, the lift was going up and I said to Harvey, I’m not interested in anything other than work, please don’t think I got in here with you for any other reason, nothing is going to happen I said. I don’t know what possessed me to speak out at that moment, only that I had such a strong sense of don’t come near me,” she wrote.

At that, Headey wrote, Weinstein went silent, apparently furious at her words. “His hand was on my back, he was marching me forward, not a word, I felt completely powerless, he tried his key card and it didn’t work, then he got really angry,” she remembered.

Weinstein then walked her back downstairs and paid for a car to take her away from the hotel, whispering in her ear not to tell anyone about the incident. Headey wrote that she burst into tears once she was in the car.

The key takeaways:

  • Harvey Weinstein did not attempt any form of “rape”; any adult would know what “look at a script in my hotel room” meant
  • She was offered “the job” in 2005, long before Game of Thrones started in 2011
  • At 44-years-old, having worked in acting her entire life, Lena Headey is a b-list actress on a TV show

I don’t think it’s hard to imagine that Headey would have become a household name like Gwyneth Paltrow or Ashley Judd if she had sucked Weinstein. In 2005, she was presumably as attractive and “talented” as any of these sluts – they’re interchangeable.

Because they’re not actresses. They’re Harvey’s shiksas. These are all hookers that you, the stupid goyim, idolize as godesses. Bugmen masturbate to them, but will never sleep with them. Harvey has slept with them. Therefore, Harvey, the smarmy Jew, is pulling one over on you, the lowly goy. That is the logic here. Harvey the fat kike has sexually humiliated all of the women trotted out as desirable for the masses.

Oh and hey, I couldn’t help but notice that her problem with screwing Harvey was his age.

I guess younger Jews would be okay to suck for a job then, right? Especially years later, when you still never became a movie star?

Jewish Game of Thrones producers David Benioff and D. B. Weiss

The entertainment industry is run by Jews, so it runs by Jewish rules.

All of these whores coming out and attacking Harvey for “rape” and “harassment” did what they had to do to get the job.

And sorry, ladies, but this has been true since the beginning of time: you only have one thing of value to offer, in any situation.

The history of the human race has been the history of women trading sex for things produced by men.

Show me a “successful woman,” and I’ll show you a dick that’s been sucked.

That is what feminism is about – redirecting men’s resources to women without them having to give sex in return. As such, you will often note that aggressive feminists are ugly. In fact, they tend to make themselves ugly on purpose – with the dyed hair, the tattoos, the obesity.

The refusal to maintain basic hygiene can now often be added to that list.

So it’s natural, that in the course of feminism, these Hollywood actresses would get to the point where they would start believing that they somehow “deserved” to become movie stars, even while they are interchangeable with millions of women across the planet.

Jewish lawyer Lisa Bloom’s argument in defense of Weinstein, before she quit, was that Harvey comes from “a different age of Hollywood” when everyone just accepted that this is the norm. And of course it was. How else would who gets to be a movie star be determined? By national lottery?

“Everyone who gets an 8/10 or above on that ‘rate my face’ app gets a number”?

What is much more interesting than how women get this job is how men get it.

And of course, the ultimate question: who picks who gets to be a famous child actor?