Daily Stormer
March 14, 2014

An independent commission led by Rear Adm. Alan Steinman (a homosexual, and by surname and appearance, certainly a Jew) and former Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders has declared that the United States military has “no compelling medical reason” to maintain its ban on transfreaks from serving.

From the Guardian:
An independent commission led by a former US surgeon general has concluded there “is no compelling medical reason” for the US armed forces to prohibit transgender Americans from serving and that President Barack Obama could lift the decades-old ban without approval from Congress, according to a report being released Thursday.
The report said department of defense regulations designed to keep transgender people from joining or remaining in the military on the grounds of psychological and physical unfitness are based on outdated beliefs that require thousands of current service members either to leave the service or to forego the medical procedures and other changes that could align their bodies and gender identities.
According to the commission, our Negro-in-chief could allow trannies to serve openly in the military with the stroke of a pen. What is obviously a mental disorder is being redefined as a lifestyle choice, one which only a horrible bigot would ever question.
The unholy alliance of Jews, sexual perverts, and the colored races against normal White society is getting so extreme, we can only hope that they are overplaying their hand, and that the oppressed White masses will soon become fed up.